英语高手 帮忙翻译一下一篇英语文章 谢谢哦

Keeping the saga of "Washington Consensus" in mind, it might be worth thinking of the current "Accounting Consensus," identifying its main elements, examining whether it is better grounded in facts than its celebrated predecessor was, assessing its implications for accounting practice and education, and rethinking what we should and should not do, before accountants and accounting teachers snap to attention on orders from authorities. Civil servants, politicians, experts, and academics are all susceptible to errors of judgment. Our only protection is to try to minimize the frequency and impact of such errors by thinking hard and debating the issues in the community before taking major policy steps. Perhaps it is fortunate that this debate seems to be starting up, and regulators would be well advised not to act precipitously.2
An examination of the elements of the current accounting consensus shows that most of it is built on questionable foundations. I shall also argue that, if pursued by the accounting profession and educators, it will bring harm to the quality of accounting education, our ability to attract and prepare talented young men and women for the profession, and will further endanger the place of accounting education in our universities. Each educator should think what monopoly standardization of accounting and auditing have done, and may do to accounting education and the profession, and decide whether moving further down this road will help us serve our students and society better.

第1个回答  2009-05-24
让佐贺的“华盛顿共识”的记忆保持住,这可能是值得我们思考目前的“会计共识” ,查明其主要内容,审查是否有更好的立足于事实,比其前身是庆祝,评估其影响的会计惯例和教育和反思,我们应该和不应该做的事之前,会计师和会计教师快速注意订单当局。公务员,政治家,专家和学者都容易判断错误。我们唯一的保护是为了尽量减少发生频率和影响的这种错误的想法很难和辩论的问题,社会上采取重大政策措施。也许是幸运的是,本次辩论似乎是启动和监管机构最好不采取行动precipitously.2