找一首英文歌 开头音乐 刚刚刚刚 刚刚刚刚 刚刚刚刚 刚刚刚刚

找一首英文歌,是男的唱的。开头主要音乐 刚刚刚刚 刚刚刚刚 刚刚刚刚 刚刚刚刚 前奏很长,小弟不懂英文记不得词,不是最近出来的音乐,我大概1-2年前听过,我知道这难度很大,麻烦大家把有点像的音乐名字告诉我.感谢!

第1个回答  推荐于2016-12-01
One of these days you'll be
under the covers
you'll be under the table
and you'll realize

all of your days are numbered
all of them one to one hundred
All of them millions

All of them trillions
So what are you gonna do with them all

You can not trade them in for mall
no no

Take every moment
you know that you own them
It's all you can do
use what's been given to you

Give me a reason to
fight the feeling
that there's nothing here for me

Cause none of its easy
I know it wasn't meant to be
I know it's all up to me
it's all up to me
So what am I gonna do in my time oh
I'll take every moment
I know that I own them
It's all up to you
to do whatever you choose
Live like you're dying
and never stop trying
It's all you can do
use what's been given to you
All of the moments you didn't notice
gone in the blink of an eye

and All of the feelings you can't help feeling
no matter how you try oh
I'll take every moment
you know that you own them
It's all up to you
to do whatever you choose
Live like you're dying
and never stop trying
It's all you can do
use what's been given to you
Live like you're dying
and never stop trying
It's all up to you
use what's been given to you

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