
1、计 划 计划包含的风险度;计划的主体是个人还是团队;管理者参与环境扫描程度。
2、组 织 员工拥有的自主权大小;依个人还是团队完成任务;部门间的相互联系程度。
3、领 导 管理者对员工的关心程度;管理者与员工的沟通程度;领导方式与风格选择。
4、控 制 员工自律与外控方式的选择;绩效评估标准的选择;预防控制的使用。

第1个回答  2010-06-20
The National Australia Bank achieves four feilds by human resource management:
1.plan--including degree of risk, type of participant(individual or team) and degree of managers participating in
environmental scanning
2.organization--degree of emloyees' autonomous right, type of participant(individual or team) and degree of connection among departments
3.leading--managers' concern for subordinates, communication between managers and subordinates and leadership style
4.control--choice of staff awareness of self-discipline and external control, performance measurement criteria and preventive control

In this way, staff can learn organizational culture better, such as learning from stories, participating in various ceremonies, establishing tangible belief and learning language, ultimately benefiting the development of staff and creating a good working environment.

第2个回答  2014-02-26
In this way, staff can learn organizational culture better, such as learning from stories, participating in various ceremonies, establishing tangible belief and learning language, ultimately benefiting the development of staff and creating a good working environment.本回答被提问者采纳