

第1个回答  2010-07-07
假设 A B 名字叫lily 谈话 A 介绍 C 给B 名字你可以自己随便改

A: hi ,lily ,where are you going .
B: oh ,hi ,i am going to the library ,how about you these days ?
A:I am fine ,thanks , lily , i am going to introduce some one to you next time ,she is the new here,very good girl.
B :Oh that sounds good ,we can make friends.
A: Yes of course ,but i need to go now ,my friend is waiting for me ,so see you next time
B: see you ,bye

第2个回答  2010-07-08
A:Look! Who's that?
B:Oh- he's a new student.He is my friend.
A:Wow!He's handsame.What's his name?
B:James.We call him jim.
A:Where is he from?
B:I can't tell you.
A:...What's he like?
B:He's very nice and he's very smart,too.本回答被提问者采纳