以“MY Best Friend”为题写一篇短文介绍你的好朋友David。内容包括:过去怎样,现在

以“MY Best Friend”为题写一篇短文介绍你的好朋友David。内容包括:过去怎样,现在又有什么变化,性格,爱好,学习和身体情况等。要求50个单词(性格PersonaIity,爱好hobby)

第1个回答  2014-11-02
Hello, everyone. I have a friend, her name is Helen. She is a 14 years old girl. Her birthday is October 12th, she said, in her birthday, she invited me to attend her birthday party. She most likes the color is blue, so she often dressed in blue. She likes most in art. She every day usually play basketball, because she love basketball. This is my friend Harry Bennett. How do you think about her?追答

David is my new classmate, he comes from the United States. He is 16-year-old, can speak fluent Chinese and very good with each subject in school, a very kind person, friendly and also rather helpful. He is fond with all sort of sports, plays basketball particularly well just like all Americans because basketball is one of their favourite sports in the United states. I am not just making a good friend, also are learning a lot more English ever since he had been here. In return, he also improved with his Chinese as well, which because of my influence too. Therefore we gained benefits from each other. Since now everyone in school start to like him a lot, and really hope that he would be able to stay with us in here for a little bit longer, so that we all can learn more better English from him.


可以把中文翻详给我吗? 谢谢

第2个回答  2014-11-02