
请用英语翻译一下:每个人都需要梦想,梦想如同指南针,指明我们前进的道路,梦想,又如翅膀,带着我们飞翔,梦想是我们每个人的财富我们应该为了梦想,努力追求,努力去奋斗。 我也有一个梦想,是当一个工程师,为我的祖国,修建许多美丽的建筑,使我的祖国繁荣富强! 好好去珍惜你的梦想吧!

第1个回答  2015-03-22
Everyone needs a dream, a dream like a compass, point the way forward for our dreams, and if the wings to fly with us, the dream is that each of us to dream of wealth, we should, strive, strive to struggle. I also have a dream, that when an engineer, for my country, the construction of many beautiful buildings, so that the prosperity of my country! Cherished your dream!本回答被网友采纳