
  4.为什么法国人在奥运会上获得冠军时演奏的国歌是《你所需要的只是爱》(All You Need is Love)?

第1个回答  2014-06-02
1 "the Beatles" music is so far the only one at any time, any place, any age, any mood, any sex, any race, any status sound didn't hate music;
2 "the Beatles" songs from the first to the last capital good, not like some singers only the title song from the album, buy the beneficial perspective,is worth;
3 "the Beatles" music is very simple, to listen to the two times can hum along;
4 why the French play won the championship at the Olympic Gameswhen the national anthem is "all you need is love" (All You Need isLove)?
6 easy to use their songs to learn guitar, so I can easily cheat those who only know the "spice" or "Backstreet Boys" girl, they'll think I'm cool;
7 easy to use their songs to learn guitar, so that I might go on the road of music, perhaps in the future will become "the Beatles" section N;
8 I love singer in their mouth always hung with "the Beatles" name, every time the lift is very serious, this let me have to like "the beatles";
The 9 critics always say that they are "the world's greatest" rock band "a miracle in the history of the" "unprecedented and unrepeatable rock musician" pop culture "changed in twentieth Century"...... Bored to death,this provocative words really let I can't control myself like them;
10 my male (female) friends to get rid of me before I heard "yesterday",this song is really fucking off, now think was a bit scared, if let me listen to"let go of water"......
11 because someone always in memory of a man named John Lennon in December 8th of every year, then I will love;
12 I have tried, only listen to one song, and later found on the left "the Beatles";
13 one day to see a drug Columbia killed in television, his bedroom wall"the Beatles" painting; once the movie "Agam story", John Lennon hasreceived the fool; have a look at a novel, the hero toss about total acalled "the Beatles" band, and each time the lift is beam with joy; a look back at Haruki Murakami's "Norway forest", listen to friends that the name of the book "the Beatles" inspiration from a song, I thought this name is used to describe the Norway football team player height; another time......So I like the Beatles. "";
14 the news seems never reported rock star thing, but once they reported that "the beatles";
15 although the "Beatles" the songs are very nice, but each song hascharacteristics, you will not hear string, unlike some of the songs now,even listen to more than 3 pieces of don't know the difference, forconvenience, I was like "the beatles";
16 I in students a yellowing photographs "the Beatles" to see the house yesterday, handsome ah......
17 and they every kind of record too much, is said to have published acalled "1" of the record, it cannot hide the past, so I like them;
19 you say like heavy metal, they will think you are a troll; you like punk,he will think you are a rascal; you say love idol singer, he says you are an idiot; you say like offbeat, they feel that you are too different...... Later I found that love "the Beatles" to cover their mouth;
21 there is a kind of music, let my tears, I later discovered that "the beatles";
24 "how do you even don't know 'the Beatles'?" I often hear someonetaunt others, I was afraid of being such ridicule, yesterday secretlybought two copies of "the Beatles" album;追问


第2个回答  2014-06-02
Paris city is the capital and largest city of France, Europe 's seventh-largest city, is also the French political culture center. In four world-class city of the United States, and New York, Japan Tokyo, London juxtaposition. Three European Metropolis: Milan and London, parallel. With the fashion capital of Milan, Paris is also home to the world 's fashion center. Paris is also the seventy-fifth French province, belongs to the Ile de France region. The Paris Mets as one of Europe's largest metropolitan area.
Le Louvre Museum ( Louvre )
Founded in the end of twelfth Century, after a series of renovation and expansion is becoming a beautiful decoration. The palace. Today the museum has a collection of works of art in 400000 parts, including sculptures, paintings, and ancient art in the East, ancient Egypt and ancient Greece and Rome and other 7 categories.
Eiffel Tower ( Eiffel Tower )
Founded in 1889, the city had maintained the world's tallest building record for more than 40 years tower has become one of Paris's most important symbol.
Romantic Paris people give tower took a beautiful name -- " cloud at ". In order to design the famous French architect Gustav Eiffel name, and under the tower for the plastic a bronze bust.
Versailles ( Versailles )
Was a royal hunting place, the back is a huge Imperial Garden. Palace of Versailles is located 20 kilometers west of Paris, built by Louis Xiv, with its luxurious rich and imaginative architectural design is well known in the world. Buildings overall length 580 meters, including the Royal Castle, garden, Trianon palace.
Notre Dame de Paris ( Cathedral of Notre Dame )
Located in the west of Dai Island, was built in 1163, took four hundred years to finish, is a Gothic church representative. Notre Dame de Paris interior strict silence, stained glass window design of fetching, flying buttresses and outlet as the monster.
Triumphal Arch ( Arc De Triomphe )
Triumphal Arch was built in 1836. 50 meters high, 45 meters wide, Triumphal Arch of each side have huge relief. One of the most famous picture of 1792 volunteers battle scenarios, this masterpiece is named " La Marseillaise ".本回答被提问者采纳