图像处理 英文翻译

求一篇图像处理的英文翻译,只要和数字图像处理有关就行 ,英文和中文翻译都要,毕业设计用。要求中文翻译5000字以上 谢谢 邮箱rock19888@sina.com

第1个回答  2010-04-18
private declare function varptrarray lib "msvbvm60.dll" alias "varptr" _
(ptr() as any) as long
private declare sub copymemory lib "kernel32" alias "rtlmovememory" _
(pdst as any, psrc as any, byval bytelen as long)
private declare function getobj lib "gdi32" alias "getobjecta" _
(byval hobject as long, byval ncount as long, lpobject as any) as long

private type safearraybound
celements as long
llbound as long
end type

private type safearray2d
cdims as integer
ffeatures as integer
cbelements as long
clocks as long
pvdata as long
bounds(0 to 1) as safearraybound
end type

private type bitmap
bmtype as long
bmwidth as long
bmheight as long
bmwidthbytes as long
bmplanes as integer
bmbitspixel as integer
bmbits as long
end type
private declare function varptrarray lib "msvbvm60.dll" alias "varptr" _
(ptr() as any) as long
private declare sub copymemory lib "kernel32" alias "rtlmovememory" _
(pdst as any, psrc as any, byval bytelen as long)
private declare function getobj lib "gdi32" alias "getobjecta" _
(byval hobject as long, byval ncount as long, lpobject as any) as long

private type safearraybound
celements as long
llbound as long
end type

private type safearray2d
cdims as integer
ffeatures as integer
cbelements as long
clocks as long
pvdata as long
bounds(0 to 1) as safearraybound
end type

private type bitmap
bmtype as long
bmwidth as long
bmheight as long
bmwidthbytes as long
bmplanes as integer
bmbitspixel as integer
bmbits as long
end type





我们先定义StdPicture对象,并且假设它已经加载了一个图像. 再定义一个动态数组而不初始化. 我们使用API来将这个数组"分配"到图像的内存,这样,我们在数组上的任何改动就能显示在图像上了. 代码:

dim sa as safearray2d
dim bmp as bitmap
dim mvarbytesperpixel

public sub loadpicarray(p as stdpicture,data() as byte)
if getobj(p.handle, len(bmp), bmp) then '获取图像信息
mvarbytesperpixel = bmp.bmwidthbytes \ bmp.bmwidth
with sa
.cbelements = 1
.cdims = 2
.bounds(0).llbound = 0
.bounds(0).celements = bmp.bmheight
.bounds(1).llbound = 0
.bounds(1).celements = bmp.bmwidthbytes
.pvdata = bmp.bmbits
end with
copymemory byval varptrarray(data), varptr(sa), 4
end if
end sub
dim sa as safearray2d
dim bmp as bitmap
dim mvarbytesperpixel

public sub loadpicarray(p as stdpicture,data() as byte)
if getobj(p.handle, len(bmp), bmp) then '获取图像信息
mvarbytesperpixel = bmp.bmwidthbytes \ bmp.bmwidth
with sa
.cbelements = 1
.cdims = 2
.bounds(0).llbound = 0
.bounds(0).celements = bmp.bmheight
.bounds(1).llbound = 0
.bounds(1).celements = bmp.bmwidthbytes
.pvdata = bmp.bmbits
end with
copymemory byval varptrarray(data), varptr(sa), 4
end if
end sub

看看发生了什么? 首先我们用GetObj来获取了位图的信息,然后使用这个信息来构造了SafeArray2d结构,特别注意这句:

.pvdata = bmp.bmbits


简单把, 不尽然,这里有些需要注意的地方:




4:一个256色的位图中,每个像素占用1个字节,但是这个字节只是对应了一个调色板索引而并非一个实际的颜色值. 所以你必须在建立数组之前先把索引转换成时机颜色.(这里不讨论16位色) 幸运的是24位色图像中存放的是真正的颜色值,但你依然需要颜色对应到RGB字节中



view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
public sub releasedata(a() as byte)
copymemory byval varptrarray(a), 0&, 4
end sub
public sub releasedata(a() as byte)
copymemory byval varptrarray(a), 0&, 4
end sub

那么现在这个数组是什么呢?它变成了一个2维数组(X,Y),X代表横坐标,Y代表纵坐标,每一个数组元素是一个字节. 对于256色位图来说,这个字节是一个颜色索引,但对于24位色图像来说,它是一个颜色值. 每个字节对应了颜色值中的RGB中的一个,所以每个像素是有3个个数组元素组成的.例如:一个100X100的图像对应一个300X100大小的数组.


view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
public sub drawpixel(data() as byte, byval x&, byval y&, byval c&)
select case mvarbytesperpixel
case 1: data(x, y) = c and &hff
case 2: data(x + x, y) = (c \ 256) and &hff
data(x + x + 1, y) = c and &hff
case 3: data(x * 3, y) = (c \ 65536) and &hff
data(x * 3 + 1, y) = (c \ 256) and &hff
data(x * 3 + 2, y) = c and &hff
end select
end sub

public function readpixel(data() as byte, byval x&, byval y&) as long
select case mvarbytesperpixel
case 1: readpixel = data(x, y)
case 2: readpixel = data(x + x, y) * 256& + data(x + x + 1, y)
case 3: readpixel = ((data(x * 3, y) * 256&) + data(x * 3 + 1, y)) * 256& + data(x * 3 + 2, y)
end select
end function
public sub drawpixel(data() as byte, byval x&, byval y&, byval c&)
select case mvarbytesperpixel
case 1: data(x, y) = c and &hff
case 2: data(x + x, y) = (c \ 256) and &hff
data(x + x + 1, y) = c and &hff
case 3: data(x * 3, y) = (c \ 65536) and &hff
data(x * 3 + 1, y) = (c \ 256) and &hff
data(x * 3 + 2, y) = c and &hff
end select
end sub

public function readpixel(data() as byte, byval x&, byval y&) as long
select case mvarbytesperpixel
case 1: readpixel = data(x, y)
case 2: readpixel = data(x + x, y) * 256& + data(x + x + 1, y)
case 3: readpixel = ((data(x * 3, y) * 256&) + data(x * 3 + 1, y)) * 256& + data(x * 3 + 2, y)
end select
end function


加载一个100X100的24位图像, 我把每个像素都设置为红色,使用DMA,SetPixel和PSet时间分别为:5ms,60ms,550ms. 编译之后,分别为:4ms,50ms,70ms. DMA比SetPixel快12倍

附上封装好的模块, 只要把它编译为ActiveX DLL然后就可以在你自己的工程中引用它.


view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
option explicit
private declare function getpixel lib "gdi32" _
(byval hdc as long, byval x as long, byval y as long) as long
private declare function setpixel lib "gdi32" _
(byval hdc as long, byval x as long, byval y as long, byval crcolor as long) as long
private declare function timegettime lib "winmm.dll" () as long
dim pa as bchpicarray.clspicarray

private sub command1_click()
dim x&, y&, t&
t = timegettime()
for y = 0 to picture1.scaleheight - 1
for x = 0 to picture1.scalewidth - 1
pa.drawpixel x, y, vbred
next x
next y
t = timegettime() - t
me.caption = "picarray=" & t

t = timegettime()
for y = 0 to picture1.scaleheight - 1
for x = 0 to picture1.scalewidth - 1
setpixel picture1.hdc, x, y, vbred
next x
next y
t = timegettime() - t
me.caption = me.caption & " setpixel=" & t

t = timegettime()
for y = 0 to picture1.scaleheight - 1
for x = 0 to picture1.scalewidth - 1
picture1.pset (x, y), vbred
next x
next y
t = timegettime() - t
me.caption = me.caption & " pset=" & t
end sub

private sub form_load()
set pa = new clspicarray
pa.loadpicarray picture1.picture
end sub

private sub form_unload(cancel as integer)
set pa = nothing
end sub

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