

第1个回答  2009-06-09
Police Public Relations refers to the public security organs associated with the public relationship between the organization by the police (public security organs), the public and dissemination of information composed of three basic elements. Including the basic meaning: (1) The Police Public Relations is a public relations, the public almost covers the public security organs of law enforcement, management, and service all objects; (2) of the Police Public Relations is a communications activities, such not limited to the dissemination of traditional news media, but almost by the public security organs to engage in all activities; (3) the Police Public Relations is the relationship between the exchange of information, which is a two-way exchange, the public security authorities and the public a types of positive interaction; (4) The Police Public Relations with management functions, which called for the public security organs in public relations has always been a dominant position, with continuous advance of public relations in order to better fulfill its statutory duty services; (5) of the Police Public Relations The purpose is the conscious action, is the public security organs to perform their duties for their own needs, mobility is a very strong work, but also a very creative and challenging.

     The police have to establish the credibility of public relations, and optimize the environment and the promotion of efficiency and enhance the functions of the police. Application of theory of public relations and public relations techniques, improvement in management and decision-making, public security organs is an important means to develop and handle a variety of complex social relations in an effective way. Police Public Relations is seeking unity within the public security organs, and development outside of an art, it is through the creativity of the public security organs and people's police work, establish a good image, keep in close relationship with the public, to reach the masses with the positive interaction limited police force change for the people endless effectively promote the work of public security.

At present in the area of the Police Public Relations Misunderstanding

     Narrow understanding of the concept of the Police Public Relations. A reference to "relationship", some people tend to the words too literally, first of all, easy ideas and feelings between the individual communication, even with the vulgarization of the "Sino-Latin American relations," "back door" and equated; Secondly, in the methods and means for easily and human exchanges, gifts or even dinner, in private transactions such as linking; again, the objects of their work on a one-sided in that the work of the Police Public Relations is to bring the standards of news media relations and coordinate. From the concept of the Police Public Relations can be seen, the element is the main, object and process of information dissemination. Which refers to the main body of the public security organs, the object refers to a range of social public with their relationship and the relationship between the individual has significant differences: First, the coordination and the relationship between the public, often by public security organs or their name appears in a department, even if the public security organs by a specific department or an individual operation, they represent the entire public security organs. This decision is bound to deal with this kind of relations should be followed by the operation of state organs should be the rule, not with the characteristics of randomness and vulgarization. Secondly, as a result of the Police Public Relations is an equal relationship between the main body, which at the same time, the functions of management, therefore, the public security organs in the co-ordination between the public and social relations, on the one hand, and the public should pay attention to the right between Select on and so on, should not be subordinated to the relationship with the subject; On the other hand, the public security organs in the relations with the dominant and can be carried out in accordance with the needs of their pre-design, with a view to the public relations and achieving the best possible "public relations" effect. Third, the target of the Police Public Relations has extensive features, it is not only including the news media, including all sectors of the community until the people at large.

     The "publicity" and the Police Public Relations separated or confused. Police Public Relations based on understanding and too narrow traditional "publicity" concept, some people tend to be promotional work and the means of the Police Public Relations separated or confused, or do not see the close ties between the two, or both for the same thing as; performance in practice or as "propaganda", "public relations" double skin, or to distinguish the performance of what is "propaganda", what is "public relations." As I indicated earlier, the public security of the information dissemination process of publicity and the establishment and coordination of the process of the Police Public Relations is often the same; further said that the "publicity" has been subordinated to the concept of "public relations." Police Public Relations is a public relations, the public almost covers the public security organs of law enforcement, management, and service all the objects; the Police Public Relations is a communication, such communication is almost the public security authorities, including all activities engaged in . Therefore, first of all, the Police Public Relations does not rigidly adhere to a particular carrier, it covers the public security organs in law enforcement, management and service in all areas of work, which carried out the Police Public Relations provides a very wide space of imagination and activities than the " publicity, "a more substantial cover; Secondly, the Police Public Relations vector does not rigidly adhere to a form the public security organs in virtually all activities engaged in, which we have launched the Police Public Relations can be made available to provide a very rich means and skills, than "propaganda" tools and techniques available to a more diversified.

     Police will be carried out simply as a public relations emergency measures. From the numerous examples can be seen at this stage in our country, the police public relations to a certain extent, be seen as slow and eliminate the image of public security organs and people's police of a crisis contingency measures. However, the concept of the Police Public Relations and functions can be clearly aware that the practice of public security work is the police practice of public relations, public security work because the moment the masses can not be separated from the support and assistance, and the object of the Police Public Relations It is also the most broad masses of the people. Of course, in dealing with complicated course of the Police Public Relations, the public security organs will often encounter the image of the crisis, and then carry out the necessary public relations crisis, but the functions of the Police Public Relations far in the alleviation and elimination of the crisis has emerged on the image. The contrary, that is, the public security organs as a result we have the police usually do not pay attention to the cultivation of the sense of public relations, the police lack the necessary sense of public relations and its importance, the need for awareness, which leads to the image of public security organs and people's police crisis. Only persistent work of the Police Public Relations will continue to push forward in order to reduce and avoid the image of the crisis that may arise, which is to establish positive interaction of police public relations aspect of a key.
Police Public Relations will be undertaken only as a functional task. Strictly speaking, the establishment and coordination of the Police Public Relations law does not belong to the public security organs and people's police duties, but the public security organs to perform their duties for their own needs to take conscious action. In short, that is, "I do" rather than "want me to do." However, in practice, often as a result of a small number of police and even some leaders of the Police Public Relations of the inadequate understanding of the nature and function, on the one hand, one-sided that the establishment and coordination of the work of the Police Public Relations is a department of the responsibility belongs to the scope of relations with others Great. When the higher authorities for a period of work, a unified planning of the police public relations specific activities, will be one-sided that it is in the above arrangement, sharing tasks, which they conflict, the attitude is not very positive. On the other hand, the functions of the Police Public Relations insufficient understanding, but also failed to truly understand and experience to the Police Public Relations can be a police force and fighting power and thus can not be well under the units and departments of the practice, the initiative targeted coordination of the police public relations work, it is rather passive and has no real effect. Only when a potential crisis and that the image appears, only gradually aware of the initiative to carry out day-to-day of "public relations" the importance of this is to establish positive interaction of the Police Public Relations taboo.

How do I create a positive interaction of the Police Public Relations

     Theoretical guidance, and gradually the entire police culture of "public relations" sense. To cultivate the concept of the police public relations and awareness, on the one hand, it is necessary to strengthen the theoretical guide. Organization theory by writing a regular basis and theoretical study group set up to carry out special investigations and studies, research tasks, such as layout, mobilization theory has a certain level of writing skills and text of the police initiative to write the theory of the Police Public Relations article, and gradually create a climate theory. On the other hand, it is necessary to strengthen the education and training. Consideration should be given to the police theory of public relations in-service training courses into the civilian police, as police carried out an extensive and in-depth basic skills education and training, this point of universal knowledge of the police public relations is very important; also may "go out, please come in" and take a regular basis lectures and going out to participate in relevant training courses, seminars, etc., directly involved in the police to strengthen public relations focus on staff training. Zhuhai Municipal Public Security Bureau attaches great importance to the theory of leading groups to guide and enhance the skills of leaders at all levels of training to deal with the media. According to police the practice of public relations problems encountered, and timely lectures, inviting the public relations experts to teach the police targeted the theory and practice of public relations skills, leadership and advocacy to the cadres at all levels of the Police Public Relations instill new ideas, and gradually change their traditional concept of publicity.

     A sound working mechanism, and strive to build a coherent whole, "public relations" system. To establish positive interaction of police public relations work must have a well-established mechanisms and systems for organizations relying on. The first is to establish institutions, and continue to enrich the functions of the Police Public Relations Department of the police force, a clear division of responsibilities and management objectives, the establishment of day-to-day work of operational mechanisms, assessment mechanism, incentive mechanism and the image of the crisis early warning mechanism. The second is to be given to all units on the establishment and coordination of the police public relations terms, clearly the main leaders in charge of leadership, department heads and staff full-time or part-time responsibilities, objectives and tasks, and the work of the Police Public Relations as an assessment project, The main work of all units included in the scope of business as the public security work and as team building, planned, deployed, there are checks to implement. Through this package of measures to gradually formed "on" there is centralized and unified leadership, "under the" have separate organizations to implement the day-to-day networking and organizational management system. Third, the organization and coordination of the Police Public Relations Department should conduct a thorough and meticulous investigation and research units in due course with the police leadership and communication, and identify broad masses of the people are generally concerned about the question and use it as the entry point for the police to carry out public relations work, the relevant units should provide constructive advice and full assistance.

     Pioneering work in vision, and actively searching for Police Public Relations effective carrier. Police Public Relations is very rich in connotation, and promote the means to police public relations are also a variety of public security organs at all levels and the vast majority of police continue to dig and innovation. In this regard, should grasp two key points: First, a certain period of time in close connection with the actual work of public security work, according to our capability, steady progress; second is to identify the masses and the other a range of "public relations" with the object concerns the work carried out targeted.

     Rich in ideological content, the organic concept of the Police Public Relations Public use of the work. Whether from the police or the concept of public relations functions are can be seen, only the actual work closely with the Public Order and combine the Police Public Relations is to realize the full potential of its functions, to play its due role. First, the People First idea would be to major in unified action. To establish positive interaction of the Police Public Relations prerequisite is that the majority of the public security organs and police put themselves in a correct position, to a public servant of the people and the broad masses of the people to maintain the mentality of blood ties to deal with the relationship between the masses. The second is to respect people's right to know the implementation of the system and action. Timely notification to the community for a certain period of public order situation, meet the people's right to know law and order to society, to mobilize the whole society to participate in the prevention and fight against all illegal and criminal activities of the initiative. Third, through the warning section of television language, will act to prevent the knowledge and guidance to the millions of households.
Focus, in a targeted manner with the positive interaction between the news media. Public security organs to deal with the relationship between the public, the main means through the news media is often to the news media for the media to carry out communication between the public and contact. This is because: On the one hand, the public security organs to carry out a positive image of the display, as well as known by the public, to a large extent depends on the function of the news media to play their own; the public security organs only with the news media to maintain regular communication and contact the news media can play a unique role of the news media to obtain the initiative, and correctly handle the relationship with the public. On the other hand, the news media with the whole society to collect and reflect the social conditions and popular sentiments inherent advantages, the public security organs only with the news media to maintain regular communication and liaison to the news media receive timely feedback报料police-related information and public opinion, targeted work, change from passive to active, and coordinate the relationship with the public. Therefore, the strengthening of the news media with good communication and liaison is to establish positive interaction of police of the important aspect of public relations. And the news media in strengthening the coordination and links, you can take the following specific practices: First, take the initiative to the news media to provide news and information, and actively co-ordinate the work of the journalists interviewed as far as possible, to facilitate the reporting conditions; Second, regular and irregular intervals between journalists organizations and various types of recreational activities, and maintain frequent mutual contacts, deepened mutual understanding and trust; The third is to strengthen the day-to-day exchange of news and information, in addition to providing news and information at the same time, timely information on feedback from the news media materials related to the alarm information, at any time to do a good job to eliminate the possible negative reports.