the advantage and the disadvantage of single lives

如题 the advantage and the disadvantage of single lives 的辩论
抱歉分类不够准确 但我不是要翻译这句话 是写关于这话题的英文

第1个回答  2009-10-07

We can do whatever we like and do not worry about the influence.
2.make more friends
We can make more friends especially the opposite sex friends.
3.unlimited dreams
We do not worry about our wives or husbands or children. As long as we have dreams, we can do everything possible to achieve it instead of taking the responsibility of families.

1.develop bad habits
Because single persons are free, they may develop bad habits such as smoking,alcoholism.
Feel loneliness when single persons are alone.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2009-10-07

在线等~~~advantage and disadvantage of being famous 谢谢你啦好 ...

disscuss the advantage and disadvantage of wind power
应该都可以吧。advantage and disadvantage 有;利与弊 、优与缺 、 好与坏的意思,意思也都差不多。像写作文的话,优点可写其是可再生风能是最清结、无污染的可再生能源之一 ;缺点嘛,可写投资设备技术要求高、受地域影响,不便等。不过这缺点好像还不至于你说的可以造成灾难这么严重吧。还望采纳...

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The advantages and disadvantages of living in dormitory are as follow:住校的优缺点如下:Advantages:1.It's very convinent for us to communicate with other students .优点:1.便于和其它同学交流。2.It also gives us opportunity to learn how to cooperate with others,both in daily life ...

What are the advantages ang disadvantages of being an only chi...
The disadvantage will obviously be the dote the kids may get from their parents, which usually delay their maturity and independency. In the worst case, the kid will grown up as a "啃老族"(ps. the term can't translate into English).一个明显的缺点就是孩子可能会被宠爱过度,从而...

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Whats the advantage and disadvantage of L C?
【答案】:L\/C uses bank credit and it provides mutual protection to both parties. But the importer should pay more fees for opening an L\/C than remittance or the collection.

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Everything has two sides: the advantage and the disadvantage.事有两面:有利有弊。A bow long bent at last waxes weak.张久必弛。The public is the best judge.公众是最好的评判者。Tread on a worm, and it will turn.哪里有压迫,哪里就有反抗。Offence is the best defence.进攻是最好的防御。Tit... ? the advantage and disadvantage of it .(英文回答

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l don't know.
