
要一篇关于汶川地震地英语作文 内容:地点,事件,损失,严重性,

第1个回答  2009-10-24
May 12 noon, Sichuan's Wenchuan has had 7.8 magnitude of big earthquakes, this is since the ancient times a biggest earthquake. After the earthquake occurs, many television news continuously are broadcasting the Sichuan Wenchuan's situation and the government to the Sichuan Wenchuan people's kind regards. earthquake, although east is separated is very remote, but our Guangdong's people sympathize with them, probably each people experience personally are the same, the old feelings remain after a severed relationship was caring their situation, hoped also quickly is rescued in the ruins person by the police officers. as soon as after our national Premier Grandpa Wen Jiabao hears the Sichuan Wenchuan has had the earthquake, immediately loses on lower part of the body's work to rush to the Sichuan Wenchuan, and to Wenchuan's people's kind regards. our premier grandfather may be really affable, whenever our some place has the disaster, he can throw down the busy work to the disaster area people's kind regards. Also has our brave police officers, they for disaster relief area people, but several day of several night has not closed up the eye, because they for fear that just closed the eyes have fallen asleep, at this moment will possibly have disaster victims to die. hoped that all disaster area people can insist, waits for police officers' rescue. Hopes all disaster area child, if parents in earthquake unfortunate death, must survive well gets down.
第2个回答  2009-10-25
gsgfsfdscsdvdfsgdgvwsfgesg nhd fsadaDSFSFSFCDVFDFNUJKKJ,MJ,MJNFM;CDWKDM;CFVMKDXL;KMVFLSKDMFLKSMVCLKSMCKMCSKMCSMCDMCDKSMCSLDCMDKMCLDSKMCKSLKDMCKDLSKCMLKDMSLNVCFNVJFNVJDFNB V CLKDNCKNASDJJA;L;;XLMlMMCKAMDPAJDASDASDASDANK;KM;MK;NCKSDFPIEQWRUQPOWIU TGYEVNNMZMX.,;KKakor[wjkr[owadkmals;l;asm,d;lA[pqkeopk[pasodakmlz;cml;zmcwso[dmkals[ldm[ALMd[aslmdlsamc[aslmcla[lcm[lmzml[almz"cm'xml'zlmclmc[almc'[lx'zmcol[]qalcs[lmzc'lxz'lx'cml[a]ls[cmlz'lcm'zlxl'cla[mlscm]amd.X';A.XMFD LODC],;S],XC;}xL,S[\lx[aszx,;}C:>xca;DC],fpa,vc],cplsaxcsacmoskac
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第3个回答  2009-10-25



第4个回答  2009-10-24