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第1个回答  2009-12-12
Subgrade excavation formed by the filling or the direct bearing track structure. 路基依其所处的地形条件不同,有两种基本形式:路堤和路堑,俗称填方和挖方。 Subgrade in accordance with its terrain in which conditions are different, there are two basic forms: embankment and cutting, commonly known as fill, and excavation. 路基的作用是在路基面上直接铺设路面结构。 Roadbed's role is to direct the laying of pavement subgrade surface structure. 因此,路基是路面的基础,它既承受路面结构的重量,即静荷载,又同时承受车辆行驶时通过路面传播而来的动荷载。 Therefore, the roadbed is the basis of the road, the road structure to withstand the weight of both, namely, static load, but also to withstand vehicles traveling at the same time spread through the road from the dynamic load. 建造路基的材料,不论填或挖,主要是土石类散体材料,所以路基是一种土工结构。 The construction of the roadbed material, regardless of fill or excavation, mainly earth and stone type granular materials, it is a kind of earth embankment structure. 因而路基经常受到地质、水、降雨、气候、地震等自我条件变化的侵袭和破坏,抵抗能力差。 Thus roadbed often geological, water, rainfall, climate, earthquakes and other changes in the terms of self-invasion and destruction of poor resistance. 因此,路基应具有足够的坚固性、稳定性和耐久性。 Therefore, the subgrade should have sufficient robustness, stability and durability. 对于高速公路,路基还应有合理的刚度,以保障车辆高速行驶中的平稳性和舒适性。 For the highway subgrade stiffness should also be reasonable in order to protect high-speed driving in the smoothness and comfort. 路面用筑路材料铺在路基上供车辆行驶的层状构造物。 Shop with the road pavement materials, subgrade for reference by the vehicles in the layered constructs. 路面按其力学特征分为刚性路面和柔性路面。 According to their mechanical characteristics of the road surface is divided into rigid and flexible pavements. 刚性路面在行车荷载作用下能产生板体作用,具有较高的抗弯强度,如水泥混凝土路面。 Rigid pavement in the traffic loads can produce physical effects plate with high flexural strength, such as cement concrete pavement. 柔性路面抗弯强度较小,主要靠抗压强度和抗剪强度抵抗行车荷载作用,在重复荷载作用下会产生残余变形,如沥青路面、碎石路面。 Flexible pavement flexural strength of small, mainly by compressive strength and shear strength to resist traffic loads, repeated loads will produce residual deformation, such as asphalt pavement, crushed stone surface. 中国《公路工程技术标准》将路面按技术品质分为高级、次高级、中级和低级四种,各种路面的面层类型如下:高级路面——沥青混凝土路面,水泥混凝土路面,厂拌沥青碎石路面,整齐石块或条石路面;次高级路面——沥青贯入式碎、砾石路面,路拌沥青碎、砾石路面,沥青表面处治路面,半整齐石块路面;中级路面——碎、砾石(级配或泥结)路面,不整齐石块路面,其他粒料路面;低级路面——粒料加固土路面,其他当地材料加固或改善土路面。 China's "Highway Engineering Technical Standards" will be divided into high-level road according to technical quality, sub-senior, middle and low-level four kinds, all kinds of road surface types are as follows: Senior Pavement - asphalt concrete pavement, cement concrete pavement, plant mix asphalt crushed stone pavement, stone pavement of rocks or neat; second high-level road surface - asphalt penetration-style pieces, gravel road, asphalt road debris, gravel road, asphalt road surface, Treatment, semi-neat stone pavement; middle road - broken, gravel (size distribution, or clay-bound) road surface, irregular stone pavement, other granular surface; low road - aggregates stabilized soil surface, and other local materials, reinforcement or improvement of soil surface. 路面结构根据设计要求和就地取材的原则,可用不同材料分层铺筑。 Pavement design requirements and the use of the materials according to the principles of layering of different materials can be paved. 中、低级路面结构包括面层、基层和垫层;高级路面结构包括面层、联结层、基层、底基层、垫层。 Middle and lower pavement structure, including surface layer, the grass roots and cushion; advanced pavement structure, including surface layer, link layer, the grassroots, sub-base, cushion.