
谁能帮我翻译一下短文,谢谢James Brown was ten years old when his parents sent him to school.It was not far from his home,so they sent him by. himself.But,instead of going to school,he was in the habit of playing truant.He would go into the fields,or spend his time with lazy boys.

One fine morning,his mother told James to go home quickly from school,for she wished to take him to his aunt's after he had come back.But he went off to the water,where there were some boats.There he met plenty of lazy boys.Some of these boys found that James had money;and he was led by them to hire a boat,and to go with them on the water.

Soon the wind began to blow,and none of them knew how to manage the boat.A large wave made the boat fall over,and they were all thrown into the water.Luckily,some men saw the boys,and went out to them in a boat. They reached them just in time to save them

James was very sorry for what he had done,and he never did the same thingagain.He went to school on time,learned to pay attention to his books,and,above all,follow his parents perfectly.

第1个回答  2016-12-11

