
我很喜欢时装。主要原因是设计师的设计或者把时装秀场的模特和时装。办的想一个梦一样让人兴奋。我喜欢的时装设计师Alexander McQueen.Jean Paul Gaultier和我们中国的设计师masha ma.最喜欢的还是香奈尔。

第1个回答  2014-10-20
I love fashion. The main reason is the designer or the fashion show models and fashion. Do want an exciting dream. I like the fashion designer Alexander McQueen.Jean Paul Gaultier and our Chinese designers masha ma. Favorite is Chanel.
第2个回答  2014-10-20
I am very fond of fashion. The main reason is that the designer's design or fashion models and fashion shows. Do the exciting like a dream. I like fashion designer Alexander McQueen. Jean Paul Gaultier and our Chinese designers masha ma. The favorite or chanel.本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2014-10-20
I love fashion. The main reason is that designers can make their works as well as those models look like the dream. And this is really exciting.I admire Alexander McQueen.Jean Paul Gaultier and the Chinese designer- Masha ma. But my favourite is still Chanel.