

第1个回答  2014-07-09
Recently,we have had a discussion abo ut the advantages and disadvantages of the construction of an underground. On the one hand, it is very good to buil d an underground. Firstly, this is an imp ortant way to help the development of the area both in tranportation and in ec onomy .Secondly, it is of great help to r educe traffic jams in the area. Also,it is more convenient for local people to to other places. On the other hand, there are also muc h trouble to build the underground. Ab ove all, much farmland is occupied (use d ) for it. Next ,a great deal of money is need to build it. What's worse, more po llution is also brought about with the b uilding of the underground. In my opinion, there are more advanta ges to build an underground in the lon g run,so I agree to build one for futher development of our area.你可以适当地模仿
第2个回答  2014-07-09
the subway has many advantage!本回答被提问者和网友采纳