
1、诸如打电话、听电话一类的事情占用了这位秘书的大部分时间。(take up)
2、明天可能下雨,但不管怎么样,我们打算回家去。(any case)
3、不要害怕,我马上过来看你。(in an instance)
6、有时候,人们没有意识到均衡膳食的重要性。(balance diet)
7、良好的生活方式会使我们的身心健康保持一致。(in tune with)


1.Things such as giving calls and answering the phone take up most of the secretary's time.
2.Tomorrow it may rain, but we are going home in any case.
3.Don't be afraid. I will visit you in an instance.
4. What a mess!There are your books scattered all over the floor.
5.He suggested that I quit the job, because it wasn't suitable for me.
6.Sometimes people don't realize the importance of blanced diets.
7.Good lifstyle can keep our body and mind in tune with each other.
8.He revealed in his book how the education shaped her life.
第1个回答  2009-12-28
1.Such as phone calls, listen to phone a sort of thing takes up most of the time of the Secretary.
2.Tomorrow may rain, but in any case, we intend to go home.
3.Do not be afraid, I'll come see you in an instance.
4.So scatter,you throw the book eveywhere on the floor.
5.He suggested that I quit, because that work is not for me.
6.Sometimes, people do not realize the importance of a balanced diet.
7.A good way of life in tune with our physical and mental health.
8.In his book, he reveals how education has shaped his life.
第2个回答  2009-12-28
1.Something such as make a call or answer a call ofen take up a lot of time of secretary
2.It seems to rain tomorrow, but in any case, we intend to go home.
3.Don't be afraid , i will be back in an instance
4.What a mess here you scatter your books everywhere .
5.He advised me to quit this job because it doesn't suit me
6. Sometimes, people haven't realized the importance of balance
7.Agood way of lifestyle can make our physical health
in tune with mental health
8.In his book reveals how to shape his whole life

参考资料:原创回答团 020号为您解答,支持原创,传递快乐!

第3个回答  2009-12-28
l do not know.......................