
《洛丽塔》很特别,不同于纳博科夫的其它的小说,这一本可以说是引起的唾沫星子恐怕可以汇成一条河了。纳博科夫在这本小说里描绘了一个肉欲横流的亨伯特,关键是他毫不掩饰自己的欲念,而且,更甚的是他把这种欲念寄托在一个天真无邪的还未成年的十二岁少女身上,作为一个中年人的他,无疑成了众矢之的,可以说是 xx,可以说是大逆不道……怎么样批评都不为过。当时的《纽约时报》就曾评论过《洛丽塔》,说它的出版是一个坏消息……尽管《洛丽塔》一度曾为《纽约时报》的畅销榜首书。

1899, on April 23, was born in st. Petersburg a noble family. Father is a judge in 1908 arrested, 1917, the interim government office, nabokov in 1919, the father by Turkish exile in Western Europe. His father had a free party, results in exile in 1922 by two right-wing loyalists who killed in exile. Nabokov in Britain Cambridge university, bachelor's degree, in Berlin and Paris in Russian creation, early in 1916, he published a book of poetry.

1940 Nazi invasion of French eve, he moved to the us, successively in many universities teaching Russia and Europe literature and literary creation. This period was one of his influence American writer Thomas pynchons is his student. In 1938, in order to adapt to the environment nabokov began writing in English.

Nabokov in 1945, an American citizen, 1961, 1977 to montreux Switzerland lausanne died in March.

Nabokov life experience of the four periods in exile, he wrote to his career after U.S. concerns of the puning this more or less to exile in exile circle understanding of the impact and professor puning appreciate their inseparable.

Nabokov exiled to write a short story period: the YaErDa Fidel is undoubtedly one of the spring of the classic of classic. Though small, the natasha is pithy. Let nabokov big names in the period is published (1955), lolita "(1957), puning the memory of it in Switzerland (1951) and published in the dark when the fire of micro (1962).

Nabokov life experience is very complex, the complex is not only reflected in his lifetime, more of a country is in the life of another country, how to know yourself, and he himself, how to assess the emptiness and suffered from spirit. As a foreigner, the exiled to the motherland as the next person, he not separated into past. In his works is easy to find some characters of the spirit of life, depression, or even the collapse of the spirit.

Know nabokov's nearly two things. Incredibly so doth. First, let me see cause severe "lolita" argument.

Lolita" is very special, different from nabokov's other novels, this book is afraid of stars can spit a river. Nabokov in this novel depicts a sensual crossflow humbert, the key is to conceal his own desires and, what is more, he put this desire on a fancy-free girl of 12, as a middle-aged man, he is undoubtedly a frosty reception, xx, is not... How much criticism. When the New York times has commented, "said the luolida of its publication is a bad news... Although the lolita "once for the New York times book top selling.

People say humbert abnormal condition, as far as possible pedophile, anyhow say too much. So the luolida of manuscript, 1954 nabokov prescient, no real publishing. Even so, the book has bad to four American bookseller refusal. Nabokov will carry manuscript to the cultural atmosphere more comfortable in Europe. By the year of the Paris lolita Olympia publishing. However, pornography is labeled as the labels, was published in lolita "attitude. But, after all, is published. Then, in 1958, American published lolita. So, it is above, but one.

Look in again below nabokov how to write "lolita". According to nabokov's statement, initially thought to write "lolita is late or early 1940 in 1939 the exile in Paris. When author due to illness, stay in bed for a newspaper stories, thus with Russian wrote a short story. In 1949, the northern gaza in New York, writing impulse started again, this time, authors write in English, it took a long time before the draft, nearly destroyed.
第1个回答  2009-12-28