
因时期末作业 谢谢!!
1:美国的家庭教育是要培养孩子富有开拓精神和竞争能力,使其能够成为一个自食其力的人。在美国家庭中,父母非常注意发展儿童的主观能动性。家庭鼓励孩子进取向上而反对压抑他们的个性,注意培养孩子独立自主对自己负责的精神 。
中国教育和美国教育的区别就在于中国教育严谨,而美国教育自由,但恰恰中国人的犯罪率要比美国高得多。因为他们给了学生犯错误的权力,家长老师不应该剥夺学生犯错误的权力,否则会让学生感到很压抑 .
中美两国文化历史背景不同,教育也有所差异。很多人认为中国基础教育扎实,美国一些教育学者也在呼吁向亚洲包括中国学习基础教育。“数学神童”与 “数学白痴



第1个回答  2009-12-28
When the end of the period due to operating Thank!!
1: The United States, family education is to train a child full of pioneering spirit and competitiveness, so that it can become a self-reliant people. In the United States the family, the parents paid great attention to develop the children's subjective initiative. Families encourage children to progress upward and against the repression of their personality, attention to cultivate children's independence and for their spirit of responsibility.
Chinese education and American education lies in the difference between Chinese education rigorous, while the U.S. freedom of education, but just the Chinese people is much higher crime rates than the United States. Make mistakes because they give the student the power of teachers and parents should not deprive students of the power of mistakes, or make the students feel very depressed.
Chinese and American cultural and historical backgrounds, education also vary. Many people think that a solid basic education in China, some educators are calling for the United States to Asia, including China, to learn basic education. "Mathematical prodigy" and "math idiot
The first difference is that's different: one is China; one the United States.
The second difference is that thinking different: China has five thousand years of culture; the United States only 200 years.
The third difference is that studies different: China's mining knockout studies; the United States mining guidance system.
The fourth difference is that tuition fees for different: Chinese tuition-high scare; the United States Equal affordable tuition.
The fifth difference is that the employment of different: China's Graduation is unemployment; the United States is employment and training.
The sixth difference is that a diploma recognized different: Most of China's university diplomas are not recognized in many countries, the United States is not.
Finally I think the biggest difference is that the different materials: China's equivalent to white reading materials read; the United States more practical.
Respect for democracy, the United States, family education, parents and children jointly developed to safeguard the interests of all aspects of specifications. Children in the development of family rules with their parents have equal rights. Parents can often tolerant children's naughty, naughty, less attention to section, their way of education is open. The United States, family education, democracy, independence of the atmosphere created a very strong generation of young Americans.

第2个回答  2020-02-03
第3个回答  2019-12-26
第4个回答  2009-12-28
1: American family education is to cultivate pioneering spirit wealthy and competitive ability, so it can be a self-made man. In the United States in the family, parents paid much attention to the development of children's subjective initiative. Family encouraged kids enterprising and oppose depressive personality, pay attention to the cultivation of their children independent responsible for yourself.
China's education and the education of Chinese education rigorous difference lies in education, while the United States, but just Chinese crime than America. Because they gave students mistakes of power, the parent/teacher should not be deprived students make mistakes, otherwise, it will allow students to power was very depressed.
Sino-us cultural history background, education are also different. Many people think that China's basic education, some American education scholars solid in Asia for China to learn basic education include. "Mathematics prodigy" and "mathematics idiot

The first is the difference between different countries: one is China, One is in the United States.
The second difference is thinking different: China has five thousand culture, The United States has 200 years.
A third difference is bound by different: China entering TaoTaiZhi, U.S. adopt counseling.
The first four difference is different: China tuition fees unacceptably high, America afford tuition equal consumption.
The fifth is different: China graduate employment is unemployed, The United States is employment and education.
The sixth difference is the graduation certificate recognized different: the majority of China's university diploma in many countries, America is not recognized.
Finally, I think the biggest difference is different: Chinese teaching material is white; read America is practical.

American family education democracy, parents and children shall be jointly formulated to safeguard the rights and interests of various aspects. Children with parents have rules formulated in equal rights. Parents often tolerance of naughty children, naughty, don't pay much attention to the education mode, they are open. American family education of democratic atmosphere makes a generation of young americans independence.