金融英语翻译 在线等 急!!!!

Over the past 12 months, for example, the yuan has risen nearly 15% against the yen. That has put pressure on Chinese manufacturers to cut prices; the Chinese producer-price index has fallen for 30 consecutive months, the longest decline since the late 1990s. In turn, that puts further downward pressure on American inflation; since 1995, there has been a 70% correlation between Chinese producer prices and American consumer prices, according to Deutsche Bank.
If other central banks in the developed world respond to the yen depreciation by loosening monetary policy, then the net effect on economic growth would be positive. But the Fed and the Bank of England have stopped easing and the European Central Bank seems reluctant to adopt QE. The extra burst of Japanese QE may only offset a planned rise in the consumption tax, so the net effect on global demand could be zero.

第1个回答  2014-11-26
经济政策的分歧在发达世界通货紧缩loomsnov第八2014 |发达国家的央行不再作用在串联。当金融危机爆发时在2007-08年度,大多数银行放宽货币政策显著。但在十月下旬,两天之后,美联储停止其第三的资产购买计划,日本银行加紧购买债券。这种差异很可能在中期有很大的影响,尤其是在货币市场。日本央行表示,将扩大其资产购买计划(即所谓的量化宽松,或QE)从¥60-70万亿¥80000000000000(700000000000美元)的一年。其目的是避免通缩,在过去的20年中一个长期存在的问题。东京股市大幅上涨的消息但最大的经济影响可能对汇率。日元兑美元汇率下跌超过2%对货币市场的标准announcement-a大搬家的日子打7年以来的最低点,兑美元于十一月三日