急需一篇以《My favorite sport》为题的英语作文

需一篇以《My favorite sport》为题的英语作文,不要写球类,内容希望能新颖一点,演讲时两分钟以内

第1个回答  2013-11-17
Today I want to say something about my favourite sport. I like playing basketball best. On one hand, to play basketball can build up my body; on the other, it can help me relax myself from my heavy study. At weekends, I like to play basketball with my friends, screaming and laughing all the time. Finally, we can have a shower together. This is my favourite sport, and what about yours?
第2个回答  2013-11-17
My Favorite sport
I have lots of favorite sports,one of my favorite is swim!There's four types of swimming stroke.Swim is a good sport to do everyday,because swim is healthy,it can make you stronger if you always swim.Also,if you always practice your swimming,then you will swim very fast.
This is my favorite sport,what is your favorite sport?本回答被网友采纳