

第1个回答  2015-05-11
My dayI get up at seven o'clock ,and have breakfast at seven twenty .At half past seven ,I go to school by bus .There are four lessons in the morning .At twelve ,we have lunch .There are two lessons in the afternoon .I go home at four and do my homework at four thirty .At six ,I have dinner with my parents .After dinner ,I often play chess with my father .Sometimes I watch TV .Sometimes I listen to music .At eight thirty ,I go to bed .我的一天我在早上7点起床,7:20吃早饭,7:30乘公共汽车去上学.我们上午有四节课.12点吃中饭.下午有两节课.我在4点回家,4:30做作业.6点和父母一起吃晚饭.晚饭后,我经常和父亲下棋.有时看电视,有时听音乐.8:30上床睡觉.本回答被网友采纳