能帮忙翻译下吗?汉译英,不要机器翻译的 给分

同学们 大家好,我在青海参加的高考,高考完便和小伙伴们商量怎么放松,之后我们决定去当地有名的景点胡杨林,
看这张 我们中最胖的人骑了辆最小的车 ,我们开始还在担心,担心车能不能受得了,事实证明,质量不错
因为只有他的自行车后面能放东西 所以….. 感觉太欺负他了….
后来 有两个同学骑摩托赶上了我们 由于他们不同于我们 所以 所有的包就全归了他们
胡杨林离我们那个城市有55公里并且常年有风,特别是我们去的路上,不仅逆风 还是上坡 由于我们没有过这么长时间骑行的经验,我们只能每骑一段就休息一下,、
不过后来我们又发现了了个更好的办法 不过后果是 摩托车的油不够了 多亏有一个同学的家长刚好有事要路过 给我们送了一瓶汽油
我们花了6个小时才到了地方,已经中午了 我们便停下来找个地方烧烤 看这是一个汽油灶,后来又煮了咖啡,
你们又没有感觉这些照片后面的背景,我感觉这一路上最大的收获,便是这美好的风景,我最喜欢的蓝天白云 满眼的绿,还有那成片的油菜花 当我看到这些 瞬间感觉心情舒畅,感觉再累也值得。
我们回来花了4个小时,当我到家 已经快站不住了……
但是这次旅程我还有更大的收获 我们再去的路上好多次说太累了 太远了 要返回,但在我们的互相鼓励下,最终完成了这110公里骑行, 这次骑行也成为了我们人生中很重要的一笔财富.
最后我想说如果你想要做什么事,就去做 坚持下去 便会成功!

我是配PPT演讲的 一句一句翻译也行......

Bicycle ride of 110 kilometers
Hi everybody! After I took my college entrance examination in Qinghai, I was so eager, as well as my firends to find a way to have a good relaxation. We though a lot about the best way to do it. At the end We decided to visit a scenery called Huyanglin.
We gathered just after the dawn and set out for our bicycle trip.
Please take a look at this. What's funny about it is where you will see the smallest bike was ridden by the biggest guy. We were so worried that it was too small to take that much weight at first.However it turned out to be a bike of good quality.
As you might noticed the smallest bike got storage on its back and since none of rest bikes have something like this, It was the only one could be used to carry our stuffs.so when we did go ahead, I just wondered if it was too bad of us to do that. However soon after we were on the way, we were caught up with by two our classmates who came along by motorcycle. The small bike and its rider were then relieved from the burden of carrying all the bags.
Hulingyang is as far as 55 kilometers away from our city and it is windy all the year. Specially along the way to get there , we had been riding againt the wind and even up the hill. It was too hard for anyone like us who had never been riding in such long distance. So we had to take a rest in every few miles.
Later we figured out a better way to ride faster . But there was a consequence that the gasoline was about to run out. Fortunately a supplement of it in a bottle was send to us by the parent of a classmate who just need to take the same way in his trip to do some business.
By the time when we arrived there it was about noon, 6 hours after we started. We stopped at a suitable place for barbecue and then had coffee cooked by ourself using this gas stove as you can see in the pictures.
The beautiful scenery on the background of these photoes on the other hand seemed the most delightful pleasure I received. I bet you cannot tell how much I enjoyed by seeing the blue sky and white cloud when I looked up and with eyes full of green or caught by the filed of rape flowers when I turned my head a little down. The tireness of the long ride was just paid off by the refreshing feelings and the ease of mind.
It took us 4 hours to ride way back. When I arrived home, I was almost out of every bit energy I have to hold myself to stand.
When I recalled the journey of the 110 kilometer ride, thinking of my complains along the way about the distance and being exhausted, I was so proud that we finished it. What's more I learned about it is how important it is to hold on to the faith that we will be successed in whatever we do as long as we never give up.
第1个回答  2014-04-07
The 110 km ride classmates everybody is good, I am in Qinghai to participate in the college entrance examination, the college entrance examination and small partners to discuss how to relax, we decided to go after the local famous attractions of Populus euphratica forest, just bright days, we were together, we started our journey to see the fat this piece of our people ride a minimum of the car, we began to worry about the car, fear can not stand, in fact, good quality because only his bicycle behind can put things so... Feel too bully him... And there are two students ride bikes to catch up to us because they are different from us so that all packets to their Populus euphratica forest from us that city is 55 km and perennial wind, especially the way we go against the wind or uphill, not only because we did not have such a long time riding experience, we can only every riding a rest,, but later we found a better way but the consequence is a motorcycle oil is insufficient thanks to a classmate's parents just something to pass by and brought us a bottle of gasoline we spent 6 hours to get there, it was already noon we stopped for a local barbecue can see this as a gasoline range, then cook Coffee, you do not feel these photographs the background, I feel the biggest harvest this way, is the beautiful scenery, I most like the blue sky and white clouds eyeful of green, as well as that piece of rape flowers when I saw these moments feel the mood, feeling tired also worth. We came back spent 4 hours, when I got home has been quick to stand...... But the journey I have greater gains on the way we go over and said too tired too far to return, but in our mutual encouragement, finally completed the 110 km ride, the ride has become very important in our life a fortune. Finally I want to say that if you want to what thing to do, to do persist will be successful!
第2个回答  2014-04-07
The 110 km ride classmates everybody is good, I was in Qinghai to participate in the college entrance examination, the college entrance examination...追问

