
The first aspect to which we must direct our attention is one of interpretation regarding the two statutes. Under section17(1)(b) jurisdiction is based on the committing of a tortuous act in this State. It Is not disputed, for the
Purpose of this appeal, that a tortuous act was committed. The issue depends on whether it was committed in Illinois so as to warrant the assertion of personal jurisdiction by service of summons in Ohio.
The wrong in the case at bar did not originate in the conduct of an agent
physically present here,but arose instead from acts performed at the place of manufacture. Only the consequences occurred in Illinois. It is well established, however, that in law the place of a wrong is where the last event takes place which is necessary to render the actor liable. The rules governing the time wi-thin which an action must be brought also indicate that the place of injury is the determining factor. In applying statutes o limitation our court has comput-ed the period from the time when the injury is done. We think it is clear that the alleged negligence in manufacturing the valve cannot be separated from the resulting injury;and that for present purposes the tort was committed in Illin-ois.
The Titan company contends that if the statute is applied so as to grant jurisdiction in this case it violates the requirement of due process of law.

第1个回答  2015-05-08
我们必须直接关注的第一个方面是关于这两个法规解释之一。 根据section17(1)(b)管辖的承诺是一个曲折的行为在这种状态。
这不是有争议,本上诉的初衷,曲折的行为发生。 这个问题取决于是否在伊利诺斯州,以保证个人管辖权的断言召唤在俄亥俄州的服务。
在酒吧的错误的行为并不是来源于agentphysically在座,而是出现在行为表现的地方生产。 只有发生在伊利诺斯州的后果。
不过,这已是不争的,在法律上错误的地方就是最后一个事件发生,有必要使演员责任。 规定时间允许的范围内,一个动作也必须表明,受伤的地方是决定性的因素。