
Community tourism analysts tend to assume, often implicitly, that the planning and policy process is a pluralistic one in which people have equal access to economic and political resources. This assumption runs through ecological models of tourism planning (Murphy 1985) as well as more general assumptions about the nature of tourism. For example, the tourism system is frequently described as highly fragmented (Shaw and Williams 1994). This observation has led to the assumption that “no single organization or individual can exert direct control over the destination’s development process” (Jamal and Getz 1995:193). In the most narrow interpretation, it is true that individuals often rely on coalitions with other private or public individuals or agencies. Yet, such an interpretation masks the pivotal role that actions of individuals can have at the local scale. For example, the success of Chemainus, Canada as a tourism destination is largely attributable to the initiative and promotion of one person (Barnes and Hayter 1992). At a larger scale, the design and management of Disney World in Florida have created problems in Greater Orlando (e.g., transportation, housing, poverty) that residents perceive are exacerbated by, if not entirely created by, the Disney Corporation (Warren 1993).

第1个回答  2006-12-25
旅游界分析家倾向于假定,常常是含蓄、 规划和政策,是一个多元化的过程,其中一人获得同等的经济和政治资源. 这个假设贯穿生态旅游规划模式(墨菲1985)以及更一般的假设性旅游. 例如,旅游系统往往被形容高度零散(逸夫威廉姆斯和1994年). 这个观察导致假设"没有一个组织或个人能施加直接控制目的地的发展进程"(Jamal和代理商1995:193). 在最狭义的解释, 诚然,常常靠个人的联盟,与其他公私机构或个人. 然而,这种解释口罩的枢纽作用,个人可以有行动,在地方规模. 例如,成功chemainus, 加拿大成为旅游目的地,很大程度上是因为一个人的主动性和推广(礼士hayter和1992年). 在规模 设计和管理创造了在佛罗里达州的迪士尼世界大问题奥兰多(例如,交通、住房、 贫困),居民认为是加剧了,如果不完全所造成,迪士尼公司(克里斯1993).
第2个回答  2020-02-03