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他也是一个具有绘画激情的学生,我经常能看到他一个人在画室里画画,他画得非常的投入,我知道他是从小开始画画的,他喜爱而且也全身心的投入了艺术创作之中,在大学期间也创作了大量的作品,他的个人风格也很独特,虽然受到过严谨的学院派教但创作中依然有自己独一无二的风格,他的画面充满了激情,他也有自己独创的一套技法,这使得他的绘画作品很难被模仿,他大胆的使用一些绚丽的颜色,这使得他的画面充满了视觉冲击力,这种色彩的应 用给我印象很深。

第1个回答  2010-08-24
He is also a student who has enthusiasm in drawing,I often see him drawing in thestudio alone,he is totally addicted in it.I know he started drawing since a child,he love it and fling himself into art producing.He made a lot of art works duringcollege,his personality is also special although he has been tought by serious institute teachers,his unique personality is included.his painting is full of enthusiasmand he also create his own drawing skills and make it impossible to copy from.He put some gorgeous colors in his painting venturously,it makes his painting withvisible shocking,the use of those colors give me deep impression.
第2个回答  2010-08-24
He is a student who have a intense emotin with painting, I ofen see him painting in the studio alone, lost himself in the color.I konw he start to paint in his early ages. He loves it and dovotes himself to the artist creation.During the universicy time he creats a lot of works.His personal style is unique although he had been trained by rigorous college.His drawings is full of passion and he also has a unique process to paint,with the bold colors applyed,which not only make his drawing is hard to copy but also have a strong impact on the visions.These applyed colors have a strong impression on me.本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2010-08-24
He is also a passionate art student, I often see him painting in the studio, he painted very involved, I knew he was started painting since childhood, he loved but also fully involved in art creations, the university has also created a lot of work, he's a very unique personal style, Suiranshoudao Guo rigorous's College Pai Jiaodanchuangzuo in Yiran has its own unique in style, his picture was emotionally charged, he also has his own original set of techniques, which makes his paintings is difficult to imitate, some of his bold use of brilliant colors, making his screen full of visual impact, the application of this color me impressed.
第4个回答  2010-08-24
He is also a student who has enthusiasm in drawing.I ofen see him painting in the studio alone, lost himself in the color. I knew he was started painting since childhood, he loved but also fully involved in art creations, the university has also created a lot of work, he's a very unique personal style, Suiranshoudao Guo rigorous's College Pai Jiaodanchuangzuo in Yiran has its own unique in style, his picture was emotionally charged, he also has his own original set of techniques, which makes his paintings is difficult to imitate, some of his bold use of brilliant colors, making his screen full of visual impact, the application of this color me impressed.