
林肯总统 :亚伯拉罕•林肯(Abraham Lincoln,1809年2月12日—1865年4月15日),美国政治家,第16任总统(任期:1861年3月4日-1865年4月15日),也是首位共和党籍总统。在其总统任内,美国爆发内战,史称南北战争。林肯废除了奴隶制度,击败了南方分离势力,维护了国家的统一。内战结束后不久,林肯遇刺身亡。他是第一个遭到刺杀的美国总统。

第1个回答  2007-01-04
president Lincoln:Abraham Lincoln,February 12th,1809-April 15th, 1865) politician of The States.He was the 16th president of The U.S.(from March 4th,1861 to April 15th, 1865),and he is also the first republican president of The U.S.
The Great Civil War has began During the time he governed The U.s. We always call this great war " war between the states".President Lincoln abolished the slavery system,he triumphed over the southern army,and he let the whole country get controled by only one government.After the war,but not so long,He got killed .He was the first president who got assassinated in The States.
第2个回答  2007-01-04
President Lincoln : Abraham Lincoln (Abraham Lincoln. February 12, 1809 -1865, April 15), politicians in the United States, No. 16 president (tenure : March 4, 1861 -1865, April 15), is the first Republican president. In its president, a civil war broke out in the United States, which have been called the Civil War. Lincoln abolished slavery, defeating South splittist forces to safeguard the country's unity. Soon after the end of the civil war, the Lincoln assassination. He was the first assassination of the President of the United States.
第3个回答  2007-01-04
President Lincoln: Abraham Lincoln (Abraham Lincoln, on February 12,1809 - April 15, 1865), American statesman, 16th president (tenure inoffice: On March 4, 1861 -1865 year on April 15), also is first placerepublican party membership president. In its president the durationof term, US erupts the civil war, the history calls the Civil War.Lincoln abolished the slave system, defeated south has separated theinfluence, has maintained the national unification. After the civilwar ended soon, Lincoln is attacked by an assassin died. He isAmerican president which first encounters the assassination.本回答被提问者采纳
第4个回答  2007-01-04
Abraham Lincoln (from feb. 12th, 1809 to Apr. 15th, 1865), the American statesman, 16th president of the USA and the first republican president. During his term, the civil war broke out in the nation, which is also called "the war between the states". Lincoln abolished the slavery, vanquished the separationists in the south, and defended the unity of the nation. shortly after the civil war, Lincoln was murdered. He is also the first US president murdered.