
4。GMF and natural food 人们到底会选择哪个?

这是report里的四个标题 请大家帮我翻译的academic点,谢谢啦!!

第1个回答  2010-06-09
To which extent does people realize GMF
How much do you know about the harm of GMF
Whether do we need to encourage the development of GMF
Which one will you choose between GMF and NF
1.GMF 和人们对此的认识1. Realization of GMF
2.人们对此危害的了解 2.Realization to its harm/DAMAGE
3.GMF的发展 3.The development of GMF
4.GMF与NF的比较4. the comparation of XX and XX
第2个回答  2010-06-09
1.WHAT do people know about GMF?
2.What harm do people know about GMF?
3.Do people encourage the development of GMF?
Which on earth do people choose ,GMF or natural food?本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2010-06-10
How much do people know about GMF?
Academic: The general acknowledgement of GMF

How much do we know about the risk of GMF?
Academic: The unknown risk of GMF

Should we encourage the development of GMF?
Academic: The support of the development of GMF

Which one should we choose between GMF and natural food?
Academic: GMF vs. Natural food