

关键词:正项级数 判别法 收敛性

第1个回答  2010-06-07
Ratio Test of Positive Series elaboration

Series theory is an important part of mathematical analysis, while the positive series is an important series theory in part, series convergence theory is the core series, in order to solve the positive series Sum problem must be resolved to judge the convergence of positive series, the convergence of positive series although there were more ways to judge, but there is still some skill to use, Convergence of Positive Series summarized some of the typical method of judging, compare the different characteristics of these methods, summarize some of the typical series of positive terms, according to the characteristics of the different topics, select the appropriate method to judge to judge, to maximize the time savings and improve efficiency, especially in some typical problems, the use of typical method to more with less. For positive series Ratio Test of several promotion, promotion of mathematics not only to comprehend their thoughts, but to pay attention to their application