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As it can be seen from the results presented, the accrual model was found to be 79.60% accurate in predicting company's performance while cash flow model has an 83.50% overall accuracy in predicting company's performance. A significant difference in discriminant power of accrual and cash flow ratios is evident in the group of good companies with percentage of correct classification of 42.90% and 64.30% respectively. This leads to the conclusion that the possibility of wrong classification of good company using accrual ratios is 50% higher than if cash flows ratios are used. In a group of bad companies, both models have a very high percentage of correct classification: accruals 93.30% and cash flow 90.70%. Therefore, it can be concluded that the possibility of errors in classification of bad companies is about 10% regardless of which ratios are used.
Assuming the binomial distribution, McNemar 2 test of symmetry is made to test differences between actual and expected classification with the aim of examining the accuracy of constructed models in predicting company's performance. The presented results indicate that there is no statistically significant difference between actual classification and the classification generated by cash flow model, while there is a statistically significant difference between actual classification and the classification generated by accrual model. Thus, it can be concluded that there is statistical evidence of accuracy and prognostic value of cash flow model in predicting business performance of the company, while the accuracy and prognostic value of accrual model cannot be statistically confirmed.
Given the specific qualities of the financial reporting and capital markets in Croatia, there are certain limitations that must be taken into account in results interpretation:
1. Historical cost principle in accounting entries;
2. Arbitrage and fair value principle in recognition and measurement of assets;
3. Noise in financial statements caused by errors in accounting books;
4. Accounting manipulations;
5. Disproportion between number of good and bad companies in the sample;
6. Insufficient number of primary market transactions, listed shares in official market and listed corporate bonds;
7. Unwillingness of the companies for full disclosure and public announcement of financial reports.
As the majority of the aforementioned limitations characterize not only Croatian, but also the capital markets and financial reporting all around the world, the obtained results can be regarded as relevant proof of better incremental information content of cash flow ratios than accrual ratios.

它可以看到的结果,收益模型被发现79.60%准确预测公司的业绩而现金流模型预测的83.50%整体精确度公司的业绩。差别的利息和现金的判别流动比率是显而易见的,在这群好的公司的正确的比例分别为42.90%和64.30%分类。这导致错误的结论的分类的可能性是用收益比率良好的公司高出百分之五十用现金流率若。在一群不好的公司,都有很高的比例模型正确分类:盈余93.30% 90.70%和现金流。因此,我们可以得出这样的错误的可能性的分类经营不善的公司10%的比率。

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