
字数要很多很多的 谢谢!!!!

第1个回答  2010-05-28
A photographer, John, came out of University of Ranui. He was holding his camera. He is walking along the pathway through a forest. This is only shortcut to go to the train station. He holds his camera firmly as the pathway is a bit slippery after a heavy rain. He needs to develop all his little sister Graduate Ceremony photos from the camera once he gets home. While he is walking, he hears someone is crying from the bush just around the corner. He feels his heart beat is getting faster. However, he is curious to walk towards the bush. He saw a little girl was crying and put a dead goldfish back to the stream. He asks:" Are you alright?" The little girl looks at her with tears in her eyes, she didn't answer him but gets up and runs away.本回答被提问者采纳