能告诉我一些关于 a rose for emily 的资料吗 命运分析的


第1个回答  推荐于2017-11-26

Faulkner’s first short story
published in a national magazine in 1930
This story takes place in Faulkner’sfictional city, Jefferson, in his fictional county of YoknapatawphaCounty, Mississippi.

The story is narrated from a first-person plural perspective.vThe identity of the characters specific tothe use of the words “our”and “we” is not given, though it is possiblethat these refer to the townspeople who are narrating with a unified voice,representing Southern white society.
The plot:
The jumbled chronology is structured like a“gossip story”.vEach section is designed for the reader tomake a judgment of Emily

The Character analysis of Emily
Emilyis a symbol of old values, standing for tradition, duty and past glory.vButshe is also a victim to all those she cares and embrace.
Her life is tragic because the defiance of the community, her refusal to accept thechange and her extreme pride have pushed her to abnormality and insanity.

The Decline of the Old South
The changing of values and attitudes in southern society
Community Vs. Isolation
Fear of Change
False Pride