
是不是我在mylearn账户下点击学的课程里面的然后完成邮件里说的三个任务就行了?- Confirm your shipping address- Consent to transcript release- Accept the VMware Certification Agreement在完成这三个任务后,又邮件提示要完成- Complete the Request for VMware Workstation 9 License完成后发现myEnrollment下注册的课程没了,是不是接下来就等着4-6周就行了?

第1个回答  2014-08-05
已经收到确认了,是这样Congratulations! You have completed all of the required tasks and have now earned the following certification:VMware Certified Professional 5 - Data Center VirtualizationYou will find this new certification on your student transcript.You can access your transcript through a variety of portals and web sites, including: 查看原帖>>本回答被提问者采纳