

第1个回答  2011-12-01
we have a urgent problem need your help, the problem of advance payment has basically resolved, as long as your company will stamped back purchase contract to our company, we would arrange payment, your arrangement for shipment will smothly. But now your company told us the application takes three weeks to seal, so that we can not meet our guest 12/15 shipment requirements. Please think about whether any other channels for shorten printing stamp process ,the order has completed, if we can't shipment for a seal need three weeks time, I believe that the guest HP (HP) is not acceptable.
我学过点函电知识,这些希望能帮到你 望采纳
第2个回答  2011-12-02
It now has a very urgent problems need your help, about the problem of advance payment has basically resolved, as long as your company will purchase contract stamped back to our company, can arrange payment, your company can smooth arrangement for shipment. But now your company told application takes three weeks to seal, so that we can a guest 12/15 shipment requirements. Please you sir help whether any other channels for printing stamp process shorten, order has production is completed, if for a seal need three weeks time can't shipment, I believe that the guest HP (HP) is not acceptable.
第3个回答  2011-12-02
Dear/Hello XXXXX,

We currently have an urgent matter which requires your assistance. The issues regarding the down payment have been sorted out, we now just require the stamped purchasing agreement to be sent back, then we will arrange payment and your company could anticipate delivery without further problems. But we've been told that requesting for a stamp will take three weeks time which does not fulfill our client's deadline for Dec. 15th. Could you please see if there are any other routes of shortening the time period for the stamping process because the purchase order has been produced, and I don't think our client, HP, will be able to accept the delivery being delayed due to a stamp approval process that takes three weeks.


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