select case when id is null then (select name from b where id='10289')
else (select name from a where id='10289') end
from a
where id='10289'
select a, rownum from stu1 where id=1 union all select b from stu2 where id=2 ) a ) where rn =1 类似于这样,但是得结合业务需求来,但很明显就是所有结果全查了,说不上好不好主要还是看数据主要落在哪个分布上,针对性去调整来优化性能 否则的话,这种加判断逻辑的,要么通过代码实...
select isnull(isnull((select 电话 from t1 where 条件),(select 电话 from t2 where 条件)),(select 电话 from t3 where 条件))是全列出来啊 问题要说清楚 select id,姓名,isnull(isnull(t1.电话,(select 电话 from t2 where t2.id=t1.id)),(select 电话 from t3 where t3.id=t1.i...
) As A From Table
select firstName + ISNULL(lastName,'默认值') from employee --要注意的是NULL值与任意值相加都为NULL
select (select ID from 表 where value in ('21') and ID=a.ID ) from 表 a where value in ('Tom')
insert into table (a) select case when a is null then b else a end from table 或 insert into table (a) select isnull(a,b) from table 以上,希望对你有所帮助!
SQL 我想统计 某一个表中的一个字段里所有值为空的数据的数量 如何写...
如果表存在 用 insert into 新表(字段1) select count(*) from 旧表 where 某字段 is null;如果表不存在 create table 新表名 as select count(*) from 旧表 where 某字段 is null;或者 select count(*) into 新表名 from 旧表 where 某字段 is null;...
查询sql 字段为空就执行另一条语句
楼主,我想弄清一个问题:如果Speak_add_time为空就查出Theme表中所有数据?还是查出Theme表中Speak_Theme_id=9的那个Speak_add_time?如果是后面这种情况的话,可以尝试以下sql语句:select case when Speak_add_time is null then (select Speak_add_time from Theme where Speak_Theme_id = 9) ...
sell_time,s.sell_staff FROM sys_user u,sys_org o,test_type t,test_commodity c,test_sell s WHERE u.org<>'' and u.org = o.id AND o.id=t.type_org AND u.username='admin' AND c.com_type = t.type_number AND c.com_number=s.sell_com_number unionSELECT s.id,s....
insert into test_null values(1,'123');insert into test_null values(2,'abc');insert into test_null values(3,'');insert into test_null values(4,'456');3、查询表中全量数据;select t.*, rowid from test_null t;4、编写语句,查询表中value为空的记录;select t.*, rowid ...