5首简单的儿童英文歌曲带翻译 急急急


第1个回答  2013-02-21
《I miss you my friend》 I miss you my friend, I miss you my friend. 朋友我想你了朋友我想你了。 Oh, long time no see, 好长时间不见了 Oh, how are you doing? 你还好吗 I miss you my friend, I miss you my friend. 朋友我想你了朋友我想你了。 《Little Johnny》 Little Johnny 小Johnny Yes, Papa? 在这爸爸。 Eating candy? 在吃糖吧 No, Papa. 没有爸爸。 Telling lies? 撒谎了吧 No, Papa. 没有爸爸。 Open your mouth. 张开小嘴。 Sorry, Papa! 对不起爸爸。 《Ten red balloons》 Ten red balloons hanging on the wall. 墙上挂着十个红气球 Ten red balloons hanging on the wall. 墙上挂着十个红气球。 One red balloon flies away. 一个红气球飞走了 And nine red balloons hanging on the wall. 墙上还挂着九个红气球。 Nine red balloons hanging on the wall. 墙上挂着九个红气球 Nine red balloons hanging on the wall. 墙上挂着九个红气球。 One red balloon flies away. 一个红气球飞走了 And eight red balloons hanging on the wall. 墙上还挂着八个红气球。 Eight red balloons hanging on the wall. 墙上挂着八个红气球 Eight red balloons hanging on the wall. 墙上挂着八个红气球。 One red balloon flies away. 一个红气球飞走了 And seven red balloons hanging on the wall. 墙上还挂着七个红气球。 《Head shoulders knees and toes》

Head shoulders knees and toes 头、肩膀、膝盖和脚趾 Knees and toes, 膝盖和脚趾 Head shoulders knees and toes 头、肩膀、膝盖和脚趾 Knees and toes. 膝盖和脚趾。 Eyes and ears and mouth and nose, 眼睛、耳朵、嘴和鼻子 Head shoulders knees and toes 头、肩膀、膝盖和脚趾 Knees and toes. 膝盖和脚趾。 《Old MacDonald had a farm》 Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O. 老麦克堂纳有一个农场伊呀伊呀呦。 And on this farm he had some chicks, E-I-E-I-O. 农场里有很多小鸡伊呀伊呀呦。 With a chick chick here and a chick chick there, 这里唧唧唧那里唧唧唧 Here a chick, there a chick, everywhere a chick chick.到处都是小鸡唧唧唧 Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O. 老麦克堂纳有一个农场伊呀伊呀呦。 Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O. 老麦克堂纳有一个农场伊呀伊呀呦。 And on this farm he had some ducks, E-I-E-I-O. 农场里有很多小鸭伊呀伊呀呦。 With a quack quack here and a quack quack there, 这里是呷呷呷那里是呷呷呷 Here a quack, there a quack, everywhere a quack quack.到处都是呷呷呷 Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O. 老麦克堂纳有一个农场伊呀伊呀呦。 《The wheels on the bus》 The wheels on the bus go round and round, 汽车轮子转啊转 Round and round, round and round. 转啊转转啊转。 The wheels on the bus go round and round, 汽车轮子转啊转 All through the town. 围着城市转。 The people on the bus go up and down, 汽车的人上下颠 Up and down, up and down. 上下颠上下颠。 The people on the bus go up and down, 汽车的人上下颠 All through the town. 围
第2个回答  2011-08-11
建议你去找找小学英文课本 每一单元后都有英文歌曲 好像是译林版的
第3个回答  2011-08-11
twinkle star