

1. 我们修改了2-4-6 block的包装样式,所有要做的包装盒都在附件“XXX”里,请查看。
2. 在附件“XXX”里,最后3个没有包装盒的号码,请把这3个号码给我,谢谢。
3. 另一个附件“XXXXX”是每个Item对应的数量,因为印刷的成本价格较高,所以可否增加包装盒的数量?增加好后,我会把印刷的报价发给您查看。

第1个回答  2011-10-10
1,we have changed the packaging tytle of 2-4-6 block and all pacing boxes need to make are in accessory ,please check it.
2,There is an omission about the last there packing boxes in the XXX accessory ,so please give them to me.thanks a lot .
3,This is the numeber of item corresponding to in XXXXX accessory.Could you please enlarge the number of packing boxes for its hight expense.After that ,I will send the quoted price of printing to you.
第2个回答  2011-10-10
1. We modified the 2-4-6 block packing style, all to do in the packing box of attachment "XXX", please check.

2. In annex "XXX", and finally the number three no box, please put the three number to me, thank you.

3. Another accessories "XXXXX" is each Item the corresponding number, because the cost of printing a higher price, so can you increase the number of box? Good, I'll increase after printing quotation to you to check.本回答被提问者采纳