

第1个回答  2012-03-14
Bad habits are hard to break, but healthy eating habits are difficult to practice for many. Healthy eating can help prevent obesity. One by one, try to change unhealthy eating habits into healthy ones, and your body will thank you.
①Slow down, and chew your food. Enjoy the texture, taste and experience. Slowing down can help prevent you from overeating and can help you digest your food better.
②Eat smaller meals by becoming familiar with recommended portion sizes, and pay attention to how much you are putting on your plate.
③Drink at least eight glass of water to stay hydrated.
④Have fruits and vegetables as snacks.
⑤Cook wisely by avoiding frying goods instead try baking, steaming or boiling.
⑥Eat your Breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2012-04-10
Bad habits are hard to break, but healthy eating habits are difficult to practice for many. Healthy eating can help prevent obesity. One by one, try to change unhealthy eating habits into healthy ones, and your body will thank you.
①Slow down, and chew your food. Enjoy the texture, taste and experience. Slowing down can help prevent you from overeating and can help you digest your food better.
②Eat smaller meals by becoming familiar with recommended portion sizes, and pay attention to how much you are putting on your plate.
③Drink at least eight glass of water to stay hydrated.
④Have fruits and vegetables as snacks.
⑤Cook wisely by avoiding frying goods instead try baking, steaming or boiling.
⑥Eat your Breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
第3个回答  2012-03-14
Bad habits are hard to break, but healthy eating habits are difficult to practice for many. Healthy eating can help prevent obesity. One by one, try to change unhealthy eating habits into healthy ones, and your body will thank you.
①Slow down, and chew your food. Enjoy the texture, taste and experience. Slowing down can help prevent you from overeating and can help you digest your food better.
②Eat smaller meals by becoming familiar with recommended portion sizes, and pay attention to how much you are putting on your plate.
③Drink at least eight glass of water to stay hydrated.
④Have fruits and vegetables as snacks.
⑤Cook wisely by avoiding frying goods instead try baking, steaming or boiling.