
I garden, I suppose, because I must. It would be intolerable to have to pass an unplanted fenced garden a few times a day. There are also certain compensations, and these must be what annually turn my mind toward all that work. There are few sights quite as beautiful as a vegetable garden glistening in the sun, all dewy and glittering with a dozen shades of green at seven in the morning. Far lovelier, in fact, than rows of hot dogs. In some pocket of the mind there may even be a tendency to change this vision into a personal reassurance that all this healthy growth, this orderliness and thrusting life must somehow reflect similar movements in one's own spirit. Without a garden to till and plant I would not know what April was for.

第1个回答  2007-11-21
我花园,我想,因为我必须这样做。这将是令人不能容忍的,均须通过unplanted栅栏花园几倍一天。也有一定的补偿,而这些必须是什么,每年把我的心态对待所有这方面的工作。有几个景点很漂亮,因为作为一个菜园广大群众在阳光下,所有的杜威和金光闪闪的一打阴凉的绿色在七个是在早上。据lovelier ,事实上,比排热狗。在有些袖珍的心,有可能,甚至有一种倾向,要改变这种设想变为个人的保证,这一切都健康成长,这有序,穿插生活必须在某种程度上反映了类似的动作在自己的精神。没有一个花园耕田和植物,我不知道什么是四月。本回答被网友采纳