2.当同学们有困难了要主动的去帮助他们 翻译成英文


第1个回答  2020-04-02
正确翻译:Offer your help when your classmates have any trouble!

2.当同学们有困难了要主动的去帮助他们 翻译成英文
正确翻译:Offer your help when your classmates have any trouble!

The students should pay attention to vulnerable groups, give them help.

is ready to help others and stricts in himself.In the Teachers's Day eve,his students would like to express their respect to him by presenting a gift,but he didn't accept politely,and said:"As for me,

Have a difficult time in your will help you 希望对你有帮助 当你有困难的时候,他们将帮助你翻译成英文 when you meet the difficulty, they will help you 以《怎样帮助有困难的人》为题写一篇作文 希望能帮到你,望采纳。 同学,多么美好的字眼,他是我儿时的伙伴,陪我学习,陪我成长。 有一次,我们班有位...

1.please heip these who are in need.2.please talk about which voluntary activity you want to join 3.please write a letter to your teacher that 4.I teach disable children to sing 5.Three teens offered to do some vunlantary work in vacation 6.The children of that place ...

七、主动帮助别人 要热情地对待同学,把同学们都当作自己的兄弟姐妹一样。满腔热情地为大家做事,无论大事小事,只要是集体的事、同学的事,就该积极去做。同学学习有困难,你主动去帮助别他,他一定很感激;你有热门的好书,不妨主动拿出来给同学们看看,也一定会让大家高兴;同学要托你办事,即使你一时办不成,如能主动...

在同学们有困难的时候,我应该伸出友谊的双手,热情的帮助他们。关心集体,乐于助人。当老师忙不过来的时候,应该用自己的双手去帮助老师,当好老师的好助手。 在新的一年里,我决心要遵守课堂纪律,上课专心听讲,积极举手发言,认真做好每一次作业争取门门功课优秀。 老师看我的行动吧! 本回答被提问者采纳 已赞过 已...

帮助的人:1616万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 【原句】1、蒙晓之曰:“君辈皆侯伯,无庸以狱吏辱君,第以实对。”2、至是,帝密谕之。对曰:“以财利要君而进,非臣所敢。”【翻译】1、侯蒙向他们说明:“你们都是一方的侯伯,无须让狱吏侮辱你们,只管按实情回答。”2、到这时,皇帝私下告诉他...

so I lost my childhood friend, now I regret it very much. Contact time is not easy to become familiar with a friend, I think we should cherish friends, do not forget that together had the elementary, junior high and high school friends, in time to find a vacation together w...

6. The lightning conductor protects buildings from lightning damage.7. He was tired of fetching and putting on glasses, so he decided to invent a new pair of glasses.8. This kind of glasses can see things both near and far.9. Joyce wants to encourage her classmates to read ...
