急! 在线等... 那位高人帮忙翻译下(中译英)


考虑到现场准确测量外窗的缝长较麻烦,所以,本标准仅采用面积指标。该面积即受检外窗窗洞口的面积,或当外窗的形状不规则时为该外窗的展开表面积。为了减少误差,便于操作,检测时受检外窗内外的起始压差定为70Pa,而不是10Pa,为了得到外窗在10Pa压差下的值,则需要通过回归方程来间接计算。 (回归方程-regression equation)

本标准允许有一樘受检窗的检测结果不合格,但必须另外重新随机抽取一樘作为受检窗进行检测。 (受检窗-specimen windows)

按照附图B.0.6中减压顺序进行逐级减压,每级压差稳定作用时间不少于3min,记录逐级作用压差下系统的空气渗透量,利用该组检测数据通过回归方程求得在减压工况下,压差为10Pa时,检测装置本身的附加空气渗透量。(检测装置本身的附加空气渗透量-extraneous air leakage; 空气渗透量--air leakage)
不接受机器翻译 !!!!!!!!!!! 不接受机器翻译!!! 我知道怎么使用机器翻译.我的英文水平不错,过了专四.对于是否是机器翻译的,能一眼鉴别...

第1个回答  2007-09-09
Consider the scene outside the window accurate measurement of a long slit trouble, so just use the standard indicators area. The area is outside the window window Entrance examination of the area outside the window or when the irregular shape of the window at the start of the surface area. To reduce error, easy operation, testing, examination of the initial pressure inside and outside the window as Pa rather than 10Pa, to be outside the window in the value 10Pa pressure, through regression equation to calculate indirect.
The standards allow for a window Tang examined results of tests failed, but must also re-Tang randomly selected as a window test subjects.
In accordance with the attached map B.0.6 decompression order to meet decompression, every time-pressure stability of not less than 3 minutes, rehearsal and recording under the pressure of the air permeability of the system, using the group analysis data obtained by regression equations in vacuum condition, the pressure for 10Pa, the detection device Additional body of air infiltration.
第2个回答  2007-09-09
Consider the scene outside the window accurate measurement of a long slit trouble, so just use the standard indicators area. The area is outside the window window Entrance examination of the area outside the window or when the irregular shape of the window at the start of the surface area. To reduce error, easy operation, testing, examination of the initial pressure inside and outside the window as Pa rather than 10Pa, to be outside the window in the value 10Pa pressure, through regression equation to calculate indirect. (Regression equation - regression equation)

The standards allow for a window Tang examined results of tests failed, but must also re-Tang randomly selected as a window test subjects. (Specimen examination window-windows)

In accordance with the attached map B.0.6 decompression order to meet decompression, every time-pressure stability of not less than 3 minutes, rehearsal and recording under the pressure of the air permeability of the system, using the group analysis data obtained by regression equations in vacuum condition, the pressure for 10Pa, the detection device Additional body of air infiltration. (Detection device itself of the additional air infiltration - extraneous air leakage; Infiltration of air - air leakage)
第3个回答  2007-09-09
以上都是 机器翻译的 哎
第4个回答  2007-09-09
告诉你的翻译的办法 要是看到的话给分啊
你打开word文档 把汉语全复制上去 然后全部选定 用鼠标右键点击看到一个 翻译就全部翻译到右边的小栏目上了
第5个回答  2007-09-09
嘿 你可以到网上在线翻译去翻译 你看上面的都是在那翻译的