请教各位高人 帮忙汉译英下面几个句子 这些是科技英语的句子 不要用软件之类的翻译 谢谢了

1. 使自行车成为今天这个样子花了很长时间。 (用what从句)
2. 这似乎是造成这种差别的原因。(用what 从句 )
3. 计算机存储信息的能力受到几个因素的影响。(用非谓语形式)
4. 这就会导致流通量的增加。(用非谓语形式)

第1个回答  2011-12-10
1. It takes a lot of time for making bikes to be what they are like today.
2. This seems to be what makes a difference.
3. Several factors finally determine the message capacity of the computer.
4. This will finally lead to an increase in circulation.
1. It takes a lot of time for making bikes to be what they are like today.
2. This seems to be what makes a difference.
3. Several factors finally determine the message capacity of the computer.
4. This will finally lead to an increase in circulation.
第2个回答  2011-12-10
1. It takes a lot of time for making bikes to be what they are like today.
2. This seems to be what makes a difference.
3. Several factors finally determine the message capacity of the computer.
4. This will finally lead to an increase in circulation.本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2011-12-10
A lot of time was spent to make what the modern bicycle is today.
This seems to be the reason of what makes the difference.
Several factors affect the memory capacity of the computer.
This will lead to increase of transmission quantity.
第4个回答  2011-12-10
It has took a long time to make bicycle into what it looks today.
It seems to be what to cause the difference.