

第1个回答  推荐于2020-12-17
川大英语专业考试科目有政治,二外, 英语专业基础,英语专业综合知识。
Part One Reading Comprehension (40 points)
I.Cloze Test (10 points)
II. Reading comprehension: (30 points)
Part Two English-Chinese Translation (30 points)
Part Three Chinese-English Translation (30 points)
Part Four Writing (50 points)

Part One European and American Cultures (50 points)
I.Explain any THREE out of the following five terms IN ABOUT 50 WORDS each: (15 points)
II.Fill in the blanks in the following to complete the idea: (10 points)
III. Answer the following questions IN ABOUT 150 ENGLISH WORDS each: (25 points)
Part II British and American Literature (50 points)
I. Explain any THREE of the following five terms IN ABOUT 50 ENGLISH WORDS each: (15 points)
II. Multiple Choice: ( 15 points )
II. Answer the following questions IN ABOUT 150 ENGLISH WORDS each: (20 points)
Part III Linguistics (50 points)
I.State, in ONE SENTENCE for each item, what you understand about the following terms: (10 points)
II.Use the tree diagram to illustrate the relationship among the following terms: (10 points)
III. Complete the words with suitable negative prefixes: (10 points)
IV. Answer the following questions IN ABOUT 150 ENGLISH WORDS each: (10 points)
V. Use IC analysis to explain the following expressions: (10 points)