谁能帮我翻译一下 急求~

Believable cloth is one of the most complicated and chaotic effects to animate .No other effect is as expensive to computer or devil is complicated to animate. with perhaps the exception of fluids.
The problem with animating cloth is directly related to its complex nature. Real cloth is an artificial material comprised of a network of natural or artificial fibers (thread and yam).These threads are woven together by a loom machine to form a cohesive. Patten creating different fabrics (like denim. satin or silk) is done by varying the pattern and changing the material that thread is made of. This process produces the myriad of different fabrics . We see all over the place.
Cloth is basically just a bunch of threads woven together to form a solid surface. When forces are applied to a piece of cloth. Its shape is determined by how these threads pull and stretch each other loosely woven cloth will fall into a shapeless dump. While tightly woven fabric(like canvas)can retain their shape under pressure . when cloth forms into folds an wrinkles. This is because the threads were not strong enough to resist bending. When animating cloth it can help to keep this in mind.
In computer graphics. Cloth is an mated by simulating the complex interaction between threads as the undergo stresses(like collision. friction and gravity) . This is done using what is referred to as a spring-mass solver. A spring-mass solver creates an array of particles across the surface. These particle are usually positioned a teach vertex and are corrected by several different types of springs (shear stretch and bend springs).The particles are then subject to forces and the springs (like the threads in a franc) keep the whole system together.
Cloth simulation is an amazing thing to witness while it can be tricky to setup and tweak. If you follow the guidelines in this chapter you should have no problem getting professional results. Everytime specifically. we will cover.

这个问题与生动活泼的布,直接关系到其复杂性。实时布是一种人工材料组成的网络,天然或人工纤维(线程和山药) 。这些线索交织在一起的织机机械,形成凝聚力。彭定康创造不同的面料(如牛仔布。缎子或丝绸)是由不同的模式,改变材料的线程了。这一过程产生的各种各样的不同的织物。我们看到所有的地方。
变计算机图形学。布是一种通过模拟交配之间的复杂互动关系的线程进行应力(如碰撞。摩擦和严重性) 。这样做是利用被称为弹簧大规模求解。弹簧大规模求解创造了一系列全国粒子的表面。这些粒子的位置通常是一教顶点,并纠正了几种不同类型的泉水(剪切拉伸和弯曲弹簧) 。粒子,然后受到部队和弹簧(如线程在一个法郎)保持整个系统的合作。