
已留学同学把当时自己写的发上来吧,从其他地方引用的话,那些版本都比较泛滥了。 照搬和改动一点是不会的,我主要是借鉴下成功申请的同学的PS。

第1个回答  2009-01-01



第2个回答  2008-12-31
这是一篇 下面那个网址上还有 可以参考一下


An old IBM PC brought home from work by my father, when I was ten, started my keen interest in computing. My decision to study a degree has been strengthened by my enjoyment and success at A-level and the belief that the use of information technology will continue to expand, it being the means through which modern commerce and industry will be organised. Wanting to work in the field of computing in the future, I am keen to achieve a good degree in that area and extend and deepen my knowledge.

Last summer I used my initiative to organise work experience at ITEC in Loughborough a computer training group, which I found interesting and an exciting opportunity to develop my skills further. Currently I am part of the brainstorming and planning committee for an international Information Communications Technology conference due to take place next year.

I have been actively involved with 6th form life. I joined the Student Council in the start of year 12 and have been an eager member ever since, helping with the organisation of various events and the running of the common room. When the senior staff staged ‘roadshows’ in the feeder schools I was chosen to address an audience of several hundred parents and students.

I was also a founder member of a Young Enterprise company and held the position of sales director. This gave me the opportunity to gain a real insight into the workings of a successful company. Being a team player was of the utmost importance and critical to the success of the company, a skill which we learnt fast. Presentation skills were also key as the company was judged on a number of presentations. This experience has taught me adaptability and developed my skills of public speaking and diplomacy. In the Young Enterprise examination I achieved a merit.

My other A-level subjects, Economics and Geography helped me to develop analytical and reasoning skills. In May I attended a conference on sustainable development from which I gained an understanding of the feasibility of profitability combined with ‘green’ policies.

Having always enjoyed modern languages I took both French and German at GCSE, following that I studied a vocational FLAW French course and helped to create a European newspaper as part of a national competition and cooked for a ‘European’ feast.

Ice-skating was my main sport for eight years; I skated in seven large pantomimes, graduating from and elf to a scary pirate! It was during this time that I first learnt the importance of commitment and working successfully as a team member when under pressure.

In my spare time now, I make use of the local gym. I also enjoy swimming and to continue my interest in the sport I have joined the Melton Mowbray Life Saving Club where I am working towards the bronze medallion and preparing to take the National Pool and Lifeguard Qualifications which will enable me to become a lifeguard. In addition I also like cycling, badminton and have recently started playing squash. As well as sporting activities I delight in music, play the drums and am looking to form a band.




美国留学材料中的ps指的是个人陈述,全称Personal Statement,是申请过程中按照学校要求写一篇有关申请人背景、学术成就和未来研究和职业目标的文章。个人陈述要语言流畅、逻辑严谨、层次分明,更要充分显示申请人的才华并抓住审阅人的注意力。补充材料:一、Ps(个人陈述)应当包含以下内容:1、申请人...

留学申请中的PS就是个人陈述(PERSonAL STATEMENT),是申请美国、加拿大、英国西方国家的大学或研究生录取时由申请人写的关于自我的一篇漫谈体文章。PS主要用于描述个人的背景、申请目的、研究方向之类的信息,是留学申请材料中不可缺少的一部分。申请留学的院校要通过PS来了解其他申请材料中没有表现出来的方...

留学ps和cv分别是个人陈述和简历的意思。一、ps:个人陈述。个人陈述,(personal statement),以下简称ps,是申请美国、加拿大、英国等西方国家的大学\/研究生录取时由申请人写的关于自我的一篇漫谈体文章。当然有的学校要求的文章题目不一定叫personal statement,如有的学校会让你写动机(motivation)、兴趣...

留学文书 PS写作有讲究
留学文书中个人陈述(Personal Statement,简称PS)是申请海外本科、研究生、博士过程中,需要提交的最重要的材料之一。PS可以是向admissions team“推销“自己,证明自己是所申请programme的合适人选的机会,甚至可以成为其能否成功拿到Offer的决定性关键。在创作中10点禁忌,一定要记住。1、PS充斥“大空话 很...

留学PS是指留学申请中的个人陈述(Personal Statement)或者所谓的文书。在留学申请过程中,个人陈述是重要的申请材料之一。其作用是通过陈述个人的学术背景、研究兴趣、职业规划等信息,向招生委员会展示自己与众不同的地方。所以说,留学PS是申请者与招生委员会交流的窗口,也是向招生委员会留下好印象的重要...

PS即Personal Statement(个人陈述,也叫自荐信),写PS的作用是帮助学校进一步了解学生是否适合本学校、本专业的学习。国外大学挑选学生,主要本着两方面的考虑:学术成绩和个人能力。学术成绩就是学生在申请学校时提交的一系列以数据为表现形式的成绩单,而个人能力主要通过PS和Reference体现出来。如果说成绩...

PS全称Personal Statement,翻译过来就是“个人陈述”。“个人陈述”是用来描述个人经历、学术背景、职业计划、研究兴趣等内容的一篇文章。留学PS可以说就是一份个人陈述,是留学生们在申请时提交的一份重要材料。对于申请留学的学生们来说,PS是相当重要的一个文件。在留学申请过程中,学校会比较倾向于那些...

撰写留学申请的个人陈述 (PS)时有哪些常见的误区
误区1:通篇流水,堆砌经历。这算得上是所有 PS 最大的通病。许多人的 PS 通篇不加区分,把自己所有的优点都堆砌上来,以为这样就能让学校看到自己多么出色。果真如此吗?错!学校的确希望招揽优秀的学生,但更注重看到的是学生对项目的理解,为什么想申请这个项目,以及对学生未来的规划。如果 PS 里...

什么是PS——PS就是Personal Statement。顾名思义就是个人陈述 一、 PS的注意事项 1.PS切忌套用模板,好的PS是千锤百炼的结果,是自己的思想或成就的结晶。初稿时可以借鉴他人的一些元素或经验,但是最终的PS应该是“自己的”——必须具有自己的特点。2.要注意PS与其他材料的配合,比如推荐信,CV等,...
