
1. 讲究处理事情的艺术,有主有次,有条不紊,忙而不乱地进行工作,切忌慌乱,这是提高工作效率的必要条件。
2. 处理问题不要想到一点做一点,要全面系统的分析问题,解决问题。

第1个回答  2009-01-17
Need to improve the other synthetical ability: 1. Be particular about the art handling a thing's , have a host to have arranged in an orderly way time ,carry out a job , must guard against a hurry and confusion busy but no messy, this is the prerequisite raising working efficiency. 2. Handle a problem not thinking one point does one point , should be all-round systematically analysing problem , solve a problem. 3. Need to reinforce the administration to vendors, the problematic timely high-effect field handles, image setting up self and the company. 4. Pay attention to observing the leader or self deficiency other, working in the same place handling the thing method , comparing, to improve more quickly. Office administration and the financial affairs job are comparatively complicated and overloaded , require that the orderliness making patient and painstaking efforts, steady and sure , working limpid and has a strong sense of responsibility. Need to want to be ready for this role , will learn to handle relation of Fang Fang soft and floury , need to learn to communicate with that is . That effective communicating with can make a work environment become easy and pleasant not only, accomplishes a task with ease when carrying out the various job , especially , may use a unit overall image in the rise being gone a step further imperceptibly. Thank the help leading many years to me , guide and encourage final , extraordinary, hope that I can unceasingly, temper self , break self in job the days to come practice , make self more mature , capable and experienced , thank you!


第2个回答  2009-01-15
The need to improve the capacity of other comprehensive:
1. About the art of dealing with things, there are the proprietors of times in an orderly, not chaotic and busy work, should not panic, which is to improve the efficiency of the necessary conditions.
2. To deal with issues that do not think that we have to a comprehensive and systematic analysis and solve problems.
3. We must strengthen the management of vendors, there are problems to deal with a timely and efficient manner, and establish themselves and the company's image.
4. To observe the leadership or any other colleagues to get our way to compare their own inadequacies, in order to improve faster.
Office of Administrative and financial work in relatively complicated, and need to be patient, meticulous, practical, work a strong sense of responsibility and clarity. To do a good job in this role, we must learn to deal with all aspects of the relationship, that is to learn how to communicate. Effective communication not only make the work environment has become relaxed and happy, in carrying out the work, more easily, but also lead the overall image of a unit in virtually be further raised.
Finally, the leadership over the years are very grateful to my help, guidance and encouragement, I hope I can work in the future continue to hone their own practice, breaking themselves more mature, capable, thank you!本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2009-01-15
The need to improve the capacity of other comprehensive:

1. About the art of dealing with things, there are the proprietors of times in an orderly, not chaotic and busy work, should not panic, which is to improve the efficiency of the necessary conditions.

2. To deal with issues that do not think that we have to a comprehensive and systematic analysis and solve problems.

3. We must strengthen the management of vendors, there are problems to deal with a timely and efficient manner, and establish themselves and the company's image.

4. To observe the leadership or any other colleagues to get our way to compare their own inadequacies, in order to improve faster.

Office of Administrative and financial work in relatively complicated, and need to be patient, meticulous, practical, work a strong sense of responsibility and clarity. To do a good job in this role, we must learn to deal with all aspects of the relationship, that is to learn how to communicate. Effective communication not only make the work environment has become relaxed and happy, in carrying out the work, more easily, but also lead the overall image of a unit in virtually be further raised.

Finally, the leadership over the years are very grateful to my help, guidance and encouragement, I hope I can work in the future continue to hone their own practice, breaking themselves more mature, capable, thank you!
第4个回答  2009-01-17

The need to improve the capacity of other comprehensive:
1. About the art of dealing with things, there are the proprietors of times in an orderly, not chaotic and busy work, should not panic, which is to improve the efficiency of the necessary conditions.
2. To deal with issues that do not think that we have to a comprehensive and systematic analysis and solve problems.
3. We must strengthen the management of vendors, there are problems to deal with a timely and efficient manner, and establish themselves and the company's image.
4. To observe the leadership or any other colleagues to get our way to compare their own inadequacies, in order to improve faster.
Office of Administrative and financial work in relatively complicated, and need to be patient, meticulous, practical, work a strong sense of responsibility and clarity. To do a good job in this role, we must learn to deal with all aspects of the relationship, that is to learn how to communicate. Effective communication not only make the work environment has become relaxed and happy, in carrying out the work, more easily, but also lead the overall image of a unit in virtually be further raised.
Finally, the leadership over the years are very grateful to my help, guidance and encouragement, I hope I can work in the future continue to hone their own practice, breaking themselves more mature, capable, thank you!
第5个回答  2020-04-05