上海特色小吃的英语简介 不要只介绍一种,要综合介绍,附翻译 个小时之内...
Shanghai Food Shanghai boasts one of China's best and most distinctive cuisines.Influenced by its position just south of the Yangtze and at the mouth of the Huangpu,the region abounds in a selection of freshwater fish and shellfish.Dishes from this area are lightly and delicately ...
Shanghai cuisine (上海菜), also known as Hu cai (沪菜, pinyin: hù cài) is a style of Chinese cuisine, and is a popular and celebrated cuisine among the Chinese in China.Shanghai cuisine (上海菜), also known as Hu cai (沪菜, pinyin: hù cài) is a style of Chinese ...
Shanghai Food Shanghai boasts one of China's best and most distinctive cuisines. Influenced by its position just south of the Yangtze and at the mouth of the Huangpu, the region abounds in a selection of freshwater fish and shellfish. Dishes from this area are lightly and delicat...
关于著名小吃的英语作文, 80字带中文翻译,
中文翻译:油条,也称为中国甜甜圈或油炸面包棍,是受欢迎的中国早餐小吃。由面粉、水和盐等简单食材制成,这些金黄色的油炸食品外酥里软。油条通常搭配豆浆、粥或茶食用,为新的一天提供美味的开始。 《著名小吃》英语作文 篇五: Mooncakes are a traditional Chinese pastry enjoyed during the Mid-Autumn Festival. T...
首先,你要先了解,你要介绍小吃的英文名字,我列出的是上海和北京的,后面写了短短小段文章,望采纳,谢谢 上海 油条 Fried bread stick 水饺 Boiled dumplings 馒头 Steamed buns 豆浆 Soybean milk 稀饭 Rice porridge 臭豆腐 Stinky tofu (Smelly tofu)春卷 Spring rolls 红豆糕 Red bean cake 绿豆...
fried plain bun 生煎馒头pot sticker 锅贴bean vermicelli soup 粉丝汤wonton 馄饨 (这个在上海也算是小吃, 不过不是上海独有的...) 黑钻奶绿 | 发布于2007-05-14 举报| 评论 10 1 为您推荐: 第五英文 墨西哥货代英文表达 肉夹馍英文 西安景点英文 上海著名景点英文 上海的小吃的英文 关于小吃...
包子可以叫bun也可以叫dumpling 简介 生煎包是流行于上海、浙江、江苏及广东的一种特色传统小吃,简称为生煎,由于上海人习惯称“包子”为“馒头”,古代汉语只有馒头,胡人入华夏之后出现新名词如“包”,因此在上海生煎包称生煎馒头。特点:皮酥、汁浓、肉香、精巧。轻咬一口,肉香、油香、葱香、...
请问老上海十大最具特色小吃英文翻译是什么?蟹壳黄,排骨年糕,鸡肉生煎馒头,糟田螺,小绍兴鸡粥,南翔小笼馒头,开洋葱油拌面,素菜包,油氽馒头,擂沙圆。谢谢。另外能否给点有关介绍上海的英语资料,可以是它的文化,景点,特色什么的。我QQ:993161991。谢谢啦! 展开 ...
生煎 英语翻译
简介 生煎馒头是上海的特色风味小吃。来到上海的人一定要尝一尝生煎馒头。特点 形态饱满,上半部有黄澄澄的芝麻和碧绿的葱花,松软适口。下半部则酥脆可口,馅重汁多,酱香浓郁,越吃越香。原料 面粉、芝麻、葱花、猪肉、肉皮冻等。做法 以发酵后的精白面粉作皮,用猪夹心肉末和肉皮冻加香油等多种...
上海小吃的英文 生煎包Fresh Fried Bun 小笼包Steamed Bun 茶叶蛋Boiled Egg with Tea 包子可以叫bun也可以叫dumpling,因为后面一个通常被翻译成“饺子”,所以用bun来说包子比较好。