
题目:1.She is usually the only one who asks questions. ______
2.When he will come back are decided. ______
3.To control expenses are our goal. ______
4.Three dollars are a reasonable price. ______
5.Seven million live in this city. ______
6.He,as well as you,konw the answer. ______
7.The coat,including taxes and shipping charges,were$1,200.
8.What the result will be remains unknown. ______

第1个回答  2008-11-08
1 usually是副词应该修饰动词 此处应为形容词来修饰系动词is才对 可换ofen
2 When he will come back 是个主语从句因将其看作整体 故将are 换成is
3 形同上 控制支出是我们的目标
4 three dollars 虽然有s 但他在句中认为整体 同上 3美元是一个合理的价钱
5 同上 把live 改成lives 有7百万人住在这个城市
6 as well as 这个插入语放入句中时 应讲究就近原则 即谓语要和前面的主语he保持一致 因此know加s 他以及你知道答案
7 不知道
8remain是仍然还是的意思 因该是表现在的状态 如果和will在一起就有时态上的冲突 因此 我觉得因该改为 What the result remians unkonw 答案是什么仍然不知道
以上谨是我的一点建议 仅供参考
第2个回答  2008-11-08
题目:1.She is usually the only one who asks questions. _没错_____ (她经常是唯一一个问问题的人)

2.When he will come back are decided. __are-is____
3.To control expenses are our goal. _are-is_____ (控制花销是我们的目标)
4.Three dollars are a reasonable price. __are-is____(3美元是合理的价格)
5.Seven million live in this city. _没错_____ (7百万人生活在这个城市中)
6.He,as well as you,konw the answer. __know-knows____ (他和你一样也知道答案)
7.The coat,including taxes and shipping charges,were$1,200.
__were-is____ (衣服包括税收和运费一共是1200美元)
8.What the result will be remains unknown. _没错_____(答案仍然是未知的)本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2008-11-08
1.who(that) 2.are(is) 3.are(is) 4.are(is) 5.此句你可能写错了
6.know(knows) 7.were(was) 8.对
第4个回答  2008-11-08