
要求 汤姆 是5月公寓的房东。他将房子出租给史密斯夫妇! 写一封欢迎信!

1 欢迎史密斯夫妇

2 介绍5月公寓。。随便介绍


4再次欢迎 祝他们过的开心

5 时间是2012.2.16


第1个回答  2013-06-28
Dear Mrs Smith
Welcome to your new apartment Mrs. Smith! The name of the partment is May 2.You can call me Tom,and I am the landlord of the May 2 apartment.this apartment has two living rooms and has furnitures also has every kind of electrical household.if you have any kind of problems you can contact me by the phone which number is 878787874. And at last hope you have a good time here,and feel comfortable living here.
yours Tom 2013.2.16
第2个回答  2013-06-28
Mr.andMrs.smith: Welcome to the May Apartments.In May the apartment is a comfortable apartment,convenient traffic.If there are problems ,can call 87878787.Once again welcome you in May apartment,I wish you live happy.

(偶恨英语作文,手都断了,跪求MONEY) Tom