《难忘的初中生活》英语作文 100字左右 急急急急 一定要现写的

可以不带翻译但要符合初中生的水平拜托了!!!最晚6月29号拜托了 直接M我1423311472

第1个回答  2013-06-29
how time flies!i still remember the moment when i first came into this school gate which become familiar to me in the years followed.the teachers resembles our parents,they lead me through the way of brilliant.the classmates are like my brothers and sisters,they are always by my side when i feel blue.i cannot love my school more,studying in this school makes me grow and become mature gradually.i regard my school life as a
more than precious experience.thanks ,my middle school,you are always in my heart,no matter how far i go,where i live,i will definitely keep my appreciation in the bottom of my heart.追问

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