
1.好好玩,别担心孩子们我会照顾好他们的 (take care of) 2.他每天早餐前都有浏览好几份报纸 (look through) 3.礼貌是非常重要的,如果你懂礼貌,你总是与人为善,乐于助人 (if) 4.思想是通过语言表达的 (by means of) 5.这两家公司已就合同内容达成一致 (agree on) 6.正是那些以前支持他的人,现在反对他了 7.自从她和市长结婚以后,就瞧不起以前的朋友了 (look down upon) 8.别着急,我相信你的梦想总有一天会实现 (come true) 9.我真想知道为什么那些取得很大进步的人总还对自己不满 (wonder) 10.为什么要学英语?不同的人会有不同的答案

第1个回答  2013-04-24
1.Enjoy yourself and don't worried about your children, I'll take good care of them.2.He looks through several pieces of newspaper before breakfast everyday.3. Being polite is important, if you can be polite, you'll always be kind to others and warm-hearted.4. Language is expressed by means of thoughts.5. These two companies had agreed on the contract.6. It is those who supported him before, disagree with him now.7. Since she married the mayor, she looks down upon her friends.8. Don't worry, I believe your dream will come true one day.9. I'm wondering why the people who reached great progress are always still not satisfied with themselves.10. Why do you need to learn English? Different people will give different answers.

第2个回答  2013-04-24
1. Have a good time. Don't worry children. I will take good care of them.2. He looks through some newspapers before breakfast every day.3. Politeness is very important. If you know it, you are always kind and helpful to others.4. Thoughts are expressed by means of languages.5. These two companies have agreed on the content of the contract.6. It is those who once supported him that are against him now.7. Since she married the mayor, she has looked down upon her old friends.8. Don't worry. I believe your dreams will come true one day.9. I really wonder why those who has made great progress feel unsatisfied with themselves.10. Why do we need to learn English? Different people may have different answers本回答被网友采纳